Alles begann in den 90er Jahren als der 1975 geborene Flexmaster Dee noch als Rapper mit diversen Künstlern aus der Schweiz zusammenarbeitete und er vermehrt mit den DJ's, die ihn bei seinen Auftritten unterstützten, unzufrieden wurde . Was also lag näher, als sich mehr mit der Materie des Plattenlegens zu befassen und selber zum DJ zu werden. Der 1. Schritt war getan und so erarbeitete er sich über die Jahre das Können und das Gespür für gute Musik. Die "Referenzen", die er über die Zeit im In- und Ausland gesammelt hatte, geben ihm da wohl zweifelsfrei Recht. Mittlerweile ist der Flexmaster Dee ein geachtendes Mitglied und Führungsperson der "DJ League Europe" und hat das Privileg, als einer der wenigen Europäer in der US-amerikanischen DJ Squad von Latin Prince dabei sein zu dürfen. Ebenfalls setzt die junge US-amerikanische R&B Sängerin "Carmen" sowie die Gruppe "4milez" und dem "next big thing" Fred Knuxx auf den sympatischen Schweizer DJ und hat ihn zum offiziellen DJ für Europa ernannt. Die Geschichte von Flexmaster Dee geht weiter und ich freue mich darauf .
All started in the 90ies when the 1975 born Flexmaster Dee was a Rapper/MC and did many collabs with other swiss Artists . The DJ's he used to work with have failed to kept themselves on time and so the Flexmaster Dee was taking the 1st step into djing . That was long time ago and meanwhile he is well known for his great music collection and the ear/eye for the crowd . Over a long period of time he has build many friendship and connections throughout Europe that is also shown in his huge "Reference List" . Today he is a honoured Member and part of the leadership of "DJ League Europe" and has the privilege to call himself a member of DJ Latin Prince's US famous DJ Squad ; The Bumsquad DJ's ! Also he gets a lot of love from the young and highly gifted R&B Singer "Carmen" , the Group "4milez" and the "next big thing" Fred Knuxx whom got him as their official european DJ . Enough said ... Let's get it on !
Because of his contacts to Artists and Managements in the States , the Flexmaster Dee received tons of promotional Sounds. This fact was one of the reasons that he became one of the Founders of the DJ League Promo Pool. The Philosophy behind is to provide an exclusive service to the members of the League and become a useful tool for unknown but highly talented Artists to help 'em with their promotion work overseas with Air- and Clubplays. We also forward them a detail Feedback and give them an inside view if Europe feels their Sounds . Since the launch of "DJ League Promotions" Flexmaster Dee was the man in charge for new Music and Managements so he was the right one to maintain with the work and become the A&R of the DJ League. Together with this tool both, the DJ's as well as the Artist, can get connected and the DJ can go back to the roots: Real DJ's *break* Records ! Nowadays it's easy to entertain the crowd with a Bag full of hits but it takes a lot of endurance and a strong will to break a song until it is a banger. This is what a DJ stand for: DJ's are the backbone of the Industry ! So let's get it on.