G profile picture


It doesn't matter now what I should've done then, my heart was in the right place at the wrong time

About Me

Just a girl trying to find herself.

Silly Facts
I am borderline OCD.
I am uncomfortable with people invading my bubble space and that includes my things.
I love oldies music.
I am obsessed with pens and very protective of mine.
I'm a Red Sox fan.
I'll try almost anything once.

My Interests

Sleeping eating art in all mediums being in love shopping lacrosse disappearing sex accidental pictures manicures & pedicures video games pens bbqs apple products mozilla firefox mix tape/cds receiving comments (haha) being a geek lumberjacks googletalk is the new aim being clean you being clean everything else in between..

Riding in the back.

Kissing in the rain.

Being swept off my feet.

I'd like to meet:

Gregory Peck as Joe Bradley
Who I wouldn't like to meet:


Comment box:


Something with a good beat.


Princess Bride, The Emperor's New Groove, Big Trouble in Little China, etc.

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I try not to watch too much..




The makers of the King's Quest series. *keke* ^_^

My Blog

There’s a crack in the shell..

"Wow..you're tall!""..nice shirt.."A few of my all time greatest pickup lines. Hey, it's what works for me, I'm cheesy! I've had a horrible headache since my outing with Marji on Wednesday. We hit up ...
Posted by G on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:52:00 PST

The trouble with letting go..

"Dating is about loving someone just the way he is today; marriage is about loving someone just the way he will be tomorrow."I've been dealt with an overwhelming decision that has both excited me and ...
Posted by G on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:13:00 PST

A girl can always dream..

I'm such a hopeless romantic..it's so depressing..hehe. >:PY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y play with her hair. talk to her in movie theatres. snuggle, hold her hand, and lightly kiss her. pick ...
Posted by G on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 08:05:00 PST