Music, free energy, responsible interaction with all life around us (not just humans), organic farming, camping "rough", fine food and drink( cheese fruit bread wine eau-de-vie scotch chocolate), second hand stores, archaic linguistics, people who take care of themselves, animals (I probably like them more than humans), honesty, personal integrity, family honor, REAL patriotism and politcal awareness (not this stuff politicians are passing off as freedom and democracy to take away more individual rights and privacy), sharing knowledge with others and learning from everyone and everything I can, and most of all: Playing my bass and makin the booties shake all night long with a funk you just can't sit still for!!
What's'n'ever I's gotsta be fonkay!!
Everything is music, even the sounds I hear in my head, or the blood pulsing though my ears, or my heart beating in my chest (and yes I can hear it when I sit still). Anything can be music. If you don't believe me, just go see STOMP! for yourself. I started making it when I was four years old and I can't stop now. Some people hear a little voices in their head, I hear music.
TV is EVIL. Unless it's movies or maybe some horribly self-indulgent video game I leave it alone. No network programming, no cable, none of that stuff. "Lies, disinformation, stress, social programming, and what shall we make you buy today that you don't need at all?"
Almost a Proverb, The Art of War, The Federalist Papers, The US Constitution, Tao de Ching, Nothing in this book is true..., Standing in The Shadows of Motown, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, Quicksilver Trilogy, Dune series, Diaspora, Diamond Age, Snowcrash, anything Gibson, The Sound Reinforcement Handbook, The Guitar Handbook, synthesizer manuals, The Joy of Cooking, The Joyce Chen Cookbook, Army Field guide to Survival (FM21-76), comic books and graphic novels, musical scores
My Father, my Mother, my Sister, my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Andrews, the Principal that followed me through most of my years in American school T. Marshall Douthart (we got to know each other pretty well throughout the years), Kendall Rey Jones, Frank Zappa, George Clinton, Sun Tzu, Kai Eckardt, Erik Elektrik, Claire (Les Yeux), The Good Doctor, Chocolate