Pizza(06/12) |
Anybody who has tried it likes it, or at least has a version; a way it is made that they enjoy. You can get it anywhere. You get everything and anything involved in it. And since there are so many dif... Posted by JAGAMAR on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:02:00 PST |
A Fairytale Beginning(05/08) |
The most untangable concept means everything. It reminds us of our age and will outlive us all, but one - for the concept is ours alone. It's manmade, but it works for us and we have nothing to offer ... Posted by JAGAMAR on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:49:00 PST |
Finally something worth mentioning(07/06) |
Wondering where I've been? Asking yourself why hasn't that one kid written in so long? Forgotten who I am? Don't even give a shit anymore? I don't blame you - Click here. If you'd still like to know ... Posted by JAGAMAR on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 10:38:00 PST |
So where was I?(03/06) |
So I'm always talking about self-improvement and working on making things better, but as of recently I find myself to be at a loss for motivation. I don't mean to say I'm depressed - I'm pretty happy.... Posted by JAGAMAR on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 05:08:00 PST |
Give me a moment, I'll be alright(01/06) |
Hey do the ladies get a bunch of spam in their email on here from "Guys" who won't stop calling you sexy and want you to visit another site to find them? They give out their IM like "Sexy-Fox" or "Lac... Posted by JAGAMAR on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 07:35:00 PST |
Anyone? Anyone?(11/05) |
You know ever since I changed my status to "In a relationship" I have received not one friend request less it be from a band or some group invitation to do something I don't want to do.
I can under... Posted by JAGAMAR on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 12:38:00 PST |
Advice From A Big Jerk(09/05) |
Looking back on it, no one really asked me for my opinion, but then if you didn't really want to know it, you'd stop reading here. A friend of mine mentioned she was done with dating because she was d... Posted by JAGAMAR on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:15:00 PST |
An Open Invitation To My Past(08/05) |
I have been trying to write at least twice a month so that the three people whom subscribe to my blogs are ahhh...getting their money worth. Since today is the 31st, I realize I should put something t... Posted by JAGAMAR on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:25:00 PST |
The Cynic: Still In Love(08/05) |
Someone called me cynical on here some weeks back. I always thought of myself as a realist. I logged on to MySpace sometime around April(2005). I was on a message board for WOXY and linked to a friend... Posted by JAGAMAR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |
Official MySpace Loser(07/05) |
What on Earth? I had more friends than this. Who the hell dropped me? Let's see I've still got Tony, and Missy and That chic who keeps changing her name, That band I'd never heard of before, but didn'... Posted by JAGAMAR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST |