Obviously, i like me some pictures. i believe they say a lot about a person.I've been watching various TV shows and they always mocked love and couples. Like "Scrubs" - It speculated that Carla and Turk's marriage was going to be like Cox and Jordan's because they couldn't resolve arguments and such. Michael and i always, and i mean always, come to some sort of compromise after a disagreement. We have to, living together. I know the shows i was watching were sit-coms and meant for entertaining purposes only, but it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. It was like God was validating that Mike and i should be together.My two most special people in the world are my son and fiance. i love them more than i can love anybody else in the universe.
God or Edward Norton
Pearl Jam, Counting Crows, Goo Goo Dolls, Beatles, Barenaked Ladies, and numerous groups whom i only know because of one song i like by them.
top 5: Pretty Woman, Dances with Wolves, American President, Little Mermaid, & Shawshank Redemption
i like watching House, but the tv is usually tuned to a Flyers game or NHL network. Buddy is even learning how to play. That was him holding a todler hockey stick. And this is them AT Buddy's very first game.
James and the Giant Peach is actually a book i still love from growing up. I like british author Neil Gaiman (Neverworld, Good Omens) I also love reading to my little boy. Like Winnie the Pooh, Why don't things fall up?
Hannah Leah Heavrin (McKinney). God bless, i'll see you again someday. I remember when Matt and Barbie would come out and stay with relatives right around the corner, i would get to see Hannah all the time. She's the only cousin i ever grew up knowing. I wish i could find those pics of me and her when we were little, those would be really nice to see again. I remember around 1990 the whole family made this Christmas collage with all the kids of Grammie and Grandpa and their families wishing holiday wishes and all sorts of other stuff, and Hannah being around like 5 years old, she sang "A-boom-chicka-boom". Now i cry ever time i see it.