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About Me

Swiss Army Mouth
Sad Kermit

My Interests

Music, Astronomy


Mike Patton, Mogwai, At The Drive-In, Tori Amos, Darkest Hour, Meshuggah, Elliott Smith, Cannibal Ox, Ludacris, Death, Thelonious Monk, Segovia, Lisa Gerrard, Sunn O))), etc.


Royal Tenenbaums, Adaptation, Magnolia, Contact, Office Space, Fight Club, American Beauty, Starship Troopers, Naked Gun, Jacob's Ladder, etc.


Discovery channel, Nova, documentaries in general, Metalocalypse, Sealab 2021, Mr. Show, Conan O' Brien, important sporting events, etc.


Mostly non-fiction, Hyperspace, The Norton Anthology of American Literature (great collection of various prose and all the classics), EAP, Shell Silverstien, etc.


Fredrik Thordendal, Mike Patton, Allan Holdsworth, David Cross, John Zorn, mom, dad, brother, etc.

My Blog


in-town-vacation to do list:1) produce pop CD via looping software, e.g. FruityLoops or Acid2) clean weeds in front yard and leaves from gutters3) hit lvl 40, g3t muh mountz0rz!!1!114) get pumped5) wo...
Posted by daniel on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 06:55:00 PST

String Theory

I caught this on PBS last year and again just the other day.  I highly recommend watching all these if you have the time and think you might be interested in it. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/eleg...
Posted by daniel on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:44:00 PST


A few days ago I was cleaning my house.  I swept upstairs and downstairs.  I went into the basement and noticed a pipe was leaking water.  I went back upstairs and realized that I must ...
Posted by daniel on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:53:00 PST

School Levies

Who votes against a school levy?  Seriously.
Posted by daniel on Wed, 24 May 2006 08:14:00 PST


My dad gave me an orange this morning.  I carried it into work.  Everyone was staring at it.  "Yes, I have orange.  Man eat orange."  All of the sudden, surrounding women lust...
Posted by daniel on Thu, 18 May 2006 06:04:00 PST

Recurring dreams about planes crashing

I've been having dreams for the past year or so about witnessing a plane crash.  I'll be hanging out somewhere (outside my house, my dad's house, a friends house, or somewhere outside) and I will...
Posted by daniel on Tue, 09 May 2006 08:45:00 PST