Swiss Army Mouth
Sad Kermit
Music, Astronomy
Mike Patton, Mogwai, At The Drive-In, Tori Amos, Darkest Hour, Meshuggah, Elliott Smith, Cannibal Ox, Ludacris, Death, Thelonious Monk, Segovia, Lisa Gerrard, Sunn O))), etc.
Royal Tenenbaums, Adaptation, Magnolia, Contact, Office Space, Fight Club, American Beauty, Starship Troopers, Naked Gun, Jacob's Ladder, etc.
Discovery channel, Nova, documentaries in general, Metalocalypse, Sealab 2021, Mr. Show, Conan O' Brien, important sporting events, etc.
Mostly non-fiction, Hyperspace, The Norton Anthology of American Literature (great collection of various prose and all the classics), EAP, Shell Silverstien, etc.
Fredrik Thordendal, Mike Patton, Allan Holdsworth, David Cross, John Zorn, mom, dad, brother, etc.