I'm not really a monkey. I'm a viking. Or as some people have mentioned, I'm a really hairy coke machine. Either way, I have TWO radio shows and yes that makes me effin rad and fuggin awesome! We (inanna, and I) broadcast our show from the teeming and secular metropolis that is Salt Lake City. So, if you're a local listener or a local band, let us know, we give ya some love. If you see us round town, make sure to hit us up for some free shiz. I mean, who doesn't like free stuff, yeah? More to come when I'm smarter... yes, it may be a long while...
Monkey Show 1pm - 4pm EST
PopFree Top 10 9pm - 10pm EST
I know it's a chimp, notta monkey... gimme a break!
Listen to me now, jackass!