drinking, smoking, swearing, sex, sexy beast, sexy shoes, sexy eyes, sexy me sexy you, sexy sex...drawing, writing daft poems that i never show anyone because i can't spell and well they're shit with bad grammar.snooker, vintage cars, red wine, discos, disco dancing, sarcasim, sunday at 10.30a.m and a coffee before going to the car boot. singing when i think its safe and i think no one can hear me....coffee and a cinamon danish.
I'd like to meet:
i hate these things...i've got to put something really cool and hipster down, so all you myspace slags think im well read and interesting.fuck it, id like to meet ronny o'sulivan..i don't know. maybe andy warhol? go for a dance at one of his do's and tell him he needs to try as bit harder, slack bastard...drink his beer and fall in love with one of his trippy pals.someone nice, and we'll drink tea and talk about the war....no wait..found her, thanks nan, i love you.xxx
shut up...nothing too hard, maybe a little too soft, a bit dancey in the middle eight, funky sexy bass, drums...i really like led zeppelin.
the one where the girl gets the boy and they have a little dance, and they have a little kiss then the stork comes with the baby and they move to northumberland and build a house...its a cracker.
top gear, snooker, rising damp, open all hours, i don't watch alot of telly.