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About Me - 970 Monument St. 116 Pacific Palisades CA 90 272 - 310 454 6860

Wine & Gifts

Join us at our retail store and old-world European-style bar to enjoy world-class premium wines from all over the world and discover our custom designed wine-related gifts in a warm and friendly retail atmosphere.Our bar and retail store features up to 150 unique, hard-to-find wines from around the world...
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My Interests

EVENTS FOR THE MONTHS COMING JANUARY Thursday 26 - California Dream Friday 27 - Salsa NightFEBRUARY Thursday 1 - What's your Style? Friday 2 - Decadent Desserts Saturday 3 - Re - Opening party * * * Thursday 8 - Girls Night out Friday 9 - Nectar of the Gods Saturday 10 - South of the Equador * * * Wednesday 14 VALENTINE - Choco & Desert pairing Thursday 15 - Love evening Friday 16 - Strike it Rich! Saturday 17 - Ich Ein Berliner * * * Thursday 22 - Art & Wine Friday 23 - Fruity Friday Saturday 24 - Little Italy * * * Thursday 1 - What's your style? Friday 2 - Mellow Madness Saturday 3 - Voulez vous trinquer avec moi?

I'd like to meet:

Go to ImageShack® to Create your own SlideshowWINESTYLES PRESS CONFERENCE ON DECEMBER 15th 2007
Go to ImageShack® to Create your own SlideshowOWNER'S BIRTHDAY ON JANUARY 5th 2007


Come to enjoy some of the greatest world musics with Putumayo, on sale at the store...