Your Inner Blood Type is AB!
Your personality is hard to define - you're very unconventional.
And even if your personality could be defined, it would be completely different next week!
Outgoing and shy, sensitive and thoughtless, you tend to have a very split personality.
This makes you unpredictable. You can be a total angel - and a total devil.
You are most compatible with: everyone!
Famous Type AB's: Jackie Chan and Marilyn Monroe
What's Your Inner Blood Type?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?
myself in the future
Uspomena na Belu Crkvu: Obuko sam novu pidzamu,obuko sam svezi ves,veceras kad mi u snove dodjes,hocu da budem LES. Ubrao sam rumenu jabuku,samo samo baby tebi na dar,ali sam je smazao usput,jer ne je morila glad. blah,blah,blah...a ujutu samo zguzvana postelja kao da nisam spavao sam Ali umjesto tvoga lica,umjesto mekane trave,sanjao sam pozar na Carsiji,sanjao sam ljude bez GLAVE!!! Zoka ja sam trudna,tako stoji stvar.Zoka ja sam trudna,budi siguran...Watching her,Strolling in the night,So white,Wondering why It's only After Dark In her eyes,A distant fire light,burns bright,Wondering why It's only After Dark I find myself in her room,Feel the fever of my doom,Falling falling,Through the floor I'm knocking on the Devil's door In the Dawn,I wake up to find,her gone,And a note says Only After Dark Burning burning,in the flame,Now I know her,secret name,You can tear her temple down,But she'll be back,and rule again In my heart,A deep and dark,and lonely part,Wants her and waits for After Dark......And its a secret that no one tells One day its heaven one day its hell Its no fairy tale take it from me Thats the way its supposed to be......I za kraj: A sta da radim,kada odu prijatelji moji,kada ode djevojka na kojuuuuuu bacam oci.I TAKO REDOM DAN ZA DANOM........
od domacih samo:Lajanje na zvezde,Kako je propao rock'n'roll i Mi nismo andjeli I..... a od stranih....hmmm....Butterfly effect,Euro trip,Be Dazzled,Saw,A walk in the clouds,Intolerable Cruelity,2Fast 2Furious 1......i jos mnogi....
Imam :)
Happy End, Majke Mi Bajka, Drustvo drugih, Prokleta Avlija, sve od Agatha Christie ( sto sam procitala(: ), Terry Pratchet....... i jos neke :P
Woodstock iz Snoopy-ja i Tweety iz crtaca sa Silvesterom...
"I Think I Saw A Pusycat...I Did I Did I Did ! "
MySpace Codes
happy holidays!