Depicted above, can't be bothered to write it out again, so instead here is Cletus
God. I'd give him such a kick in the hiney he'd go back to Genesis.Oh, and possibly the guy who came up with the theory behind oscillating neutron stars. God, he must crack people up at parties.
Hmm. I currently have 20 gigs of music on my harddrive Let's just say varied, I'm open to everything
Anything and everything. I've seen Just My Luck, Casino Royale, Titanic, Spiderman get the picture
Currently, Heroes, Justice League Unlimited, Avatar: Legend of Aang, repeats of Naruto, repeats of Spawn TAS...theres not much on right NOW that really interests me. British tv sucks. Not as much as American TV - its like 1% of british tv sucks compared to 90% of american tv - but its still pretty crap except for repeats.
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Terry Pratchet, Howard Myers
That guy. Who did that thing. Over thataway. Yeah