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Osada Vida

About Me

(english version below)
Na terenach dzisiejszego Beninu lezy mala wioska. Jej mieszkancy zyja z dala od cywilizacji - w doskonalej harmonii. Swoje nowonarodzone dzieci powierzaja opiece pytonów, które pielegnuja je i chronia przed niebezpiecznym buszem.
Ta wioska to Osada Vida.
Dwóch kumpli - Adam Podzimski i Lukasz Lisiak - wspólne muzyczne tematy. Namówili trzeciego - Blazeja Kubice. Pierwsze próby, pierwsze utwory. Nie wybierali stylu grania, wszystko kreowalo sie naturalnie. Narzucili sobie jedno ograniczenie w tworzonej muzyce: brak jakichkolwiek ograniczen. Muzyka ma dawac im przyjemnosc grania i radosc sluchania. Zaczelo wychodzic. Ale czegos brakowalo, brzmienie muzyki bylo dziurawe.
Rafal Paluszek - przybyl, posluchal i zostal. Osada Vida miala pierwszych mieszkanców. Calosci dopelniala spiewajaca Magda Hajda oraz gitarzysta Luca Juraszek.
Kazdy byl troche z innej bajki, kazdy juz cos wczesniej gral. Ale rozumieli sie i tworzyli swoja muzyke. Kazdy wrzucal czastke siebie i powstawala "osadowa" mieszanka. Uwieczniali swoje dzwieki i puszczali w obieg na srebrnych krazkach. Najpierw "Moment krytyczny" (2000), potem "W drodze na ksiezyc" (2002), az wreszcie "Osada Vida" (2004). Ta ostatnia porcja muzyki trafila w rece kilku osób, które bardziej lub mniej swiadomie wplynely na losy Osady. Pochlebne recenzje, zaproszenia na koncerty, niezle rozchodzace sie plytki.
To wzbudza pozytywne emocje i pobudza do dalszego dzialania. Ale nie wszystkich. Osada Vida zegna dwóch mieszkanców. Magda i Luca "przeprowadzaja sie" w inne muzyczne rejony.
Chwila wahania. Lekki zastój. Decyzja. I Bartek Bereska. Mlody, zdolny, pelen entuzjazmu. Zawsze bedacy w poblizu Osady. Wspólne pogrywanie. Zaskoczylo. Jest ich czterech. Pierwszy koncert w nowym skladzie. Jest dobrze. Do pracy wiec.
Nowe pomysly dojrzewaja. I zaczynaja brzmiec. Tworza pewna calosc. "Three Seats Behind A Triangle". Kazdy dzien przynosi coc nowego.
A Osade Vida moze odwiedzac kazdy, kto ma otwarty umysl i chce sluchac dzwieków bez koniecznosci ich szufladkowania.
In the area of today's Benin, there's a small village. Its inhabitants live far from all the civilisation, but in perfect harmony. Their newborn babies are given to pythons, which look after them and protect from dangerous bushes.
This village is called Osada Vida.
Two mates - Adam Podzimski and Lukasz Lisiak - both having the same music tastes. They persuaded the third friend - Blazej Kubica - to join them. First music sessions, first songs. They did not choose one style of playing, everything was born itself. They accepted only one limit in music - no limits at all. The music means pleasure of playing and joy of listening. It did succeeded. But something was missing. The sound wasn't full enough.
Rafal Paluszek - soon appeared, listened to their music and stayed in the band. Osada Vida had its first inhabitants. The whole was fullfilled by a singing Magda Hajda and Luca Juraszek - a lead guitarist.
In fact everyone was different, like from other story, but everyone had already played the music. However, they understood each other and created their own melodies. Each of them added something from himself and that's how Osada Vida mixture was made.
They recorded their sounds on silver discs. First "Critical Moment" (2000), next "Heading For The Moon" (2002) and finally "Osada Vida" (2004).
A few people heard the last CD and somehow they affected Osada Vida's fate. Positive reviews, invitations for concerts, sold cd's. Such things inspire, give new energy to create. But not for all. Magda and Luca decide to leave he band and "move" to different music areas.
The moment of hestitation. A short break. Decision. And here comes Bartek Bereska. Young, talented, full of enthusiasm. And always somehow close to Osada. They started playing together. It really worked. So now there are four of them. The first concert together - really fullfilling. So let's get to work.
New ideas blossom and new sounds are born. Finally "Three Seats Behind A Triangle" is released. Every day brings something new.
Osada Vida welcomes those who have an open mind and want to listen to sounds without clasifying.
dyskografia / discography:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/23/2006
Band Website: osadavida.art.pl
Band Members: Lukasz Lisiak - bas, vocal / bass, vocal
Bartek Bereska - gitary / guitars
Adam Podzimski - bebny / drums & percussion
Rafal "r6" Paluszek - klawisze / keyboards
Sounds Like: Osada Vida
Record Label: E-silesia.info
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


10.06.2007, Kraków, Klub "Zascianek" ul. Rostafinskiego 4(Miasteczko Studenckie AGH), poczatek o godz. 20:00, bilety: 10 PLN.Gramy jako gosc grupy Appleseed (www.appleseed.pl)15.06.2007, Bielsko - B...
Posted by Osada Vida on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:48:00 PST

"Three Seats Behind A Triangle" the record of a month in Brasil!

We are really happy and proud to say that our CD was chosen as the best album of February in a Brasilian E - Zine Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal. We are even more surprised as our CD has ne...
Posted by Osada Vida on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 05:38:00 PST

"Three Seats Behind A Triangle" plyta miesiaca w Brazylii!

Z wielka radoscia i nieukrywana duma donosimy, ze nasza plyta zostala uznana przez brazylijski webzine Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal za najlepszy album lutego. Cieszy nas to tym bardziej, ...
Posted by Osada Vida on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 05:37:00 PST

We are the winner of the Proggresive Rock poll !!!

..>Date: Jan 31, 2007 12:44 PM Subject January TOP FRIENDS poll results Body: It's official! The winner of the...
Posted by Osada Vida on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:26:00 PST

Check out this event: OSADA VIDA - LIVE!

Hosted By: Osada VidaWhen: Saturday Feb 17, 2007 at 8:00 PMWhere: LesniczówkaWPKiW, Al. Muzyków 1Chorzów, PolandDescription:Osada Vida Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Osada Vida on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:38:00 PST

Vote !

Our CD titled Three Seats Behind A Triangle" has been nominated in a poll for "The Best Progressive Album Of Year 2006" organized by MLWZ! We are really excited and surprised. That's why we'd like ...
Posted by Osada Vida on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:59:00 PST

GLOSUJ NA NASZA PLYTE: Plebiscyt na Najlepszy Progresywny Album Roku 2006 !

Nasza plyta "Three Seats Behind A Triangle" otrzymala nominacje do nagrody w plebiscycie na Najlepszy Progresywny Album Roku 2006, organizowanym przez MLWZ! Jestesmy tym bardzo mile zaskoczeni. Tym sa...
Posted by Osada Vida on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST