How many children do you have? 2
When did you have them? 06/18/2000 and 12/05/2006
When did you find out? Oct. 1999 and May 13,2006
Where were you when you found out? Health Department and at home
Were you excited? Yes
How was dad? Excited
What about the parents/ inlaws? Excited
Morning sickness? No/Yes
Any problems? Bedrest at 4 months/No
How long did you carry them for? 37 weeks each
Were you induced? No
Natural or epiderul? Natural for both
C-section? No
How much did baby weigh? 5'6 and 5'5
How long was he/she? 21 and 19
Where did you have baby at? Lincoln Regional Hospital and Crestwood
Did they treat you well? Yes to both
Would you go there again? Yes to both
How was your OB? Great with both
What can the baby/children do now? Alphonso-everything Alondre -smile at everything
Any plans for more? Not at this time
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