Sports, Photography, Modeling, Playing music (Djembe's in particular) Spening time with my son PETER LIK PHOTOGRAPHY Tranquility
People that make something from nothing; people with dreams and the drive to chase them; people that don't believe in failure; people that won't stop until they succeed. People, like me.
Minus The Bonus!
Don't forget to check out my band, "Minus The Bonus."
Wu Tang Clan, anything underground East Coast, Devin the Dude, Jazz, Blues, some techno,old school r&b, Funk, and sometimes Bluegrass if in the mood, but never country
Reservoir Dogs, The Big Lebowski, Welcome to Collinwood
Sports, in particular College football and Basketball especially University of Kentucky
Prayer of Jabez, The Secret, 48 Laws of Power
People who make something out of nothing