I love Music, Dancing, Acting.....recently into Improv (and I have a special appreciation for the pressure and organics of it), Writing, Creating........i have tons of stories/poems but really dont have too much time to share it with all. Maybe one day i will publish it in my memoirs. Now there is an IDEA!
I am a order freak. i have a tendency to never leave a dish in the sink, i hate the routine of doing my laundry like clock work every weekend, and keep up with other maintainence bullshit. I long to unleash myself from the constraints of that OCD gene passed down to me from my father. It could be very annoying to those who love me so i have tried to let go of those bad habits. So if you visit my house and its a mess, dishes piled in the sink, tumble weeds of dog hair rolling across my floor, forgive me. I am currently going through reverse order therapy.
On my last decade birthday, I wrote a list of things I wanted to do before I turn another decade older. I have made huge strides in accomplishing some of them, but as Karl Marx says, there is still work "to be done". I like challenging myself in various methods of performing. Simple or long term challenges; I strive for them everyday. You only have one life to live, so why not shoot for those short terms goals that mold you into the long term person.
Here are some I hope to accomplish before that next decade b-day:
perform in a theater or on film that exceeds the viewing of 100 people
Make a documentary
start my own business
do a photo exhibit
take a job that I love, regardless of the pay
learn how to surf
do a full handstand in yoga
I love to meet people who live life to the fullest, lack hypocriscy, and accept people with flaws and all.
OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brothers new video....a Lonely Night Studios Production.....see it on YOUTUBE! Part I
Part II
The Commode Story.....What's your story?
..Anyone Else But You
.. All the years of struggle and suffering, make you who you are. Do what you love and fuck the rest!
Eclectic...I love musicians/artists that adapt, evolve, push the music into change.......Madonna, REM, Fall of Troy, India, the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Berlin, Johnny Cash, Phil Collins, Four Seasons, Guns and Roses, Klaxons, Mute Math, Berlin, Reina, DHT, Ace of Base, Prince, System of the Down, Serj Tarkanian, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Police, Sting, ............I love rock and roll, punk, salsa, disco, indie......the list can go on and on.
Independent and documentaries....all time favorites include Reservoir Dogs, Little Miss Sunshine, The Usual Suspects, Hotel Rawanda, American Beauty, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, King of New York, Kingdom of God, Born into Brothels..........
I am a sucker for reality but I love Lost, Intervention, King of Queens, Rescue Me, Law and Order.....I miss the classics like the Honeymooners, Taxi, The Odd Couple, I Love Lucy.....and I am an occassional news freak...MNBC, Hardball with Chris Matthews and Meet the Press, NY1, and the Today Show.........
Read "A New Earth"; It is the bible for the new world. So i have resorted to listening to the CD of the book like a daily psalm to get my day started. It helps me focus on being a better person and recognizing that I am not the only one on the planet.
My son and anyone else willing to push the envelope.