Song Lyrics
..kelliy. 17.
senior @ ghs.
hello, im musics whore. im obsessed with equations. i love my friends..they are my closest family. my blonde boyfriend is my world. i cant keep myself from giggling at the kids who wear swastikas and anarchy a's simultaneously, not realizing the total and complete fucking paradox. my favorite person to drink with is this crust punk from canada, ive only ever known him as cancer and malk, but i think his real name is trennis or trevor. i fully support dusty, 7o's porn. im slowly becoming an atheist wiccan buddhist. i dont believe in luck. i dont believe in science. i do believe in the power of oneself and positive thinking. i am a paradox. a walking contradiction. i crave planning but love impulsivity...ness....? i make up my own words. :] ghandi is my hero. i hate my job-yet love the people. im stubborn, and bitchy, and lazy [suck on that], &defiant &headstrong, &argumentative, &expressive, &confident, &fawked up. Goals: be famous, become the best lay in the world and love
i wanna learn how to play the bongos. could feminazi be used to describe me? i think definitely. i play guitar. learning bass. i'm a bitch. i'm not a bigot and i hate people who are. so i guess i only discriminate against people who discriminate. i am bisexual. and i don't care who knows. i really do try to be strong but it doesn't always work. i love music, there's nothing better than going to shows. tragic things fascinate columbine and the holocaust. i'm working on becoming an expert on the two bahah. i'm a buddhist. i am not perfect.
"amirite? amirite?"
the power of satan compells you.
the straw is your friend. until you lose eye contact. then the straw will betray you and make you look like an idiot!
she eats glue
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