*It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt*
My Interests
I've played the cowbell on tour with Edward Larrikin, Twice.
Below, are the best bands in Britain other than The Rifles and The Maccabees, FACT.
I'd like to meet:
My Blog
* The Real Thing *
I'm blowing back the kisses I blew to you before,
Blew to you before.
And I'm tearing up the letters saying I adore,
Saying I adore you.
I will wait for the real thing.
So you, you could wear a dress ... Posted by baboooshka on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:58:00 PST
Why i hate Kasabian........
NME July 2006:
Tom Kasabian... AND I QUOTE...
''No other band out there are making records like we are. We're on another wavelength to them lot. We stand out in the middle of that jingle-jangle shit. ... Posted by baboooshka on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:55:00 PST