.. Gracee ? x profile picture

.. Gracee ? x

You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comHey Guys :) .. Im Grace and Im 15 :D .. I Love Spending Time With All The Girls..Especially.. Soph,Laura,Cat,Tice,Pop,Verity,Jo and Sue :)..Love You All Girls xx // Anyway Enjoy Looking Around And That :D xxx
a b o u t y o u - g i r l s.
Name:: Grace
Age:: 15
Birthdate:: 27/06/91
Birthplace:: Lister Hospital
Location:: Stevenage
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Weight:: Dunoo - Dont Wanna No :)
Height:: 5'6
Braces?: Nope
Glasses/contacts?: Glasses (reading)
Freckles?: Nope
Scars?: One
Style:: Anything
Food:: Galaxy :)
Drink:: Coke
Store(s):: Any
Color(s):: Pink
Shoe Brand:: Kappa - Haha Jokes
Clothing Brand(s):: Do Not Care
Purse Brand(s):: Dont Care
Coke/Pepsi:: Coke
Bikini/One Peice:: Bikini
Love/Money:: Love
Resturant/Fast Food:: Fast Food :)
Boy/Girl:: Girls (as in mates - Not A Lesbian) (p.s not against Lesbians)
Pop/Water:: Pop
Dogs/Cats:: DOGS
Abercrombie/Walmart:: Huh?!
Night/Day:: Night:)
Sun/Rain:: Sun :)
Have You Ever
Cried in school:: Yes
Laughed so hard you peed:: Nearly ;)
Seen your best friend naked:: Cant Say I Have
Taken a shower with someone:: Nope
Been drunk:: Yes
Smoked:: Tried It .. YUK
Cried on someones shoulder:: Yes
Let someone cry on your shoulder:: Yes
Slept in bed with same sex:: Yep ..
Used the bathroom in front of a friend:: Yepp
Do You
Smoke: Nope
Do Drugs: Nope
Drink: Yes
Cry often: Nah
Change in front of your friends: Yeah..
Talk about private things with friends: Yep
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color:: Dont Care
Favorite hair color:: Dont Care
height:: Taller Than Me
weight:: Dont Care
drink/smoke:: yes/no
drugs:: NO!
tatoos:: not really
peircings:: yes - only ears
style:: Dont Care
The last.
person you hugged:: Dad :)
person you kissed:: Robbie
person you talked to:: Dad
time you cried:: Not Sure
time you laughed:: Today :)
thing you bought:: Make-up
person you yelled at:: Sister :)
person you said i love you to:: Robbie
person you told you they loved you:: Again .. Robbie
person you hit:: Hmm..
thing you drank:: Coke:)
thing you ate:: Bread
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