i luv music - ne kind - depends on wot mood im in - goin out wiv my m8s and havin a laf musical theatre is i guess an interest thats y i am studyin it at uni im interested in phycology in a way - i avent studied it but i wouldnt mind studyin it! FOR DUKE OF ED I WENT TO THE GAMBIA WEST AFRICA, TO HELP BUILD A SKILLS CENTRE AND LEARN ABOUT ANOTHER CULTURE, IT WAS AMAZING AND I AM REALLY MISSING IT NOW, EVEN THOUGH WE GOT UP AT 6.30 - EVERYONE WAS AMAZING, I WUD DEFINATLY RECOMMEND THE PLACE, MY INTEREST IS TO HELP PEOPLE AND I WOULD LOVE TO CARRY ON DOING PROJECTS LIKE THAT! I MADE SOME GR8 FRIENDS TOO!!!!!! JEMBE, JEMBE MASTER!!!i wrote these lyrics - if u like let me know if u dont keep it too urself thanx!Let me be a rock chick baby, wanna settle the score, a rock chick baby with a need for more, I wanna fly with no limits, wanna hit the waves, i wanna have some fun spinning through this mazeLet me be a rock chick baby, with no price to pay, good and ready, for a brand new day, wanna live each day, like its my last, like im ridin a motorcycle good and fast.I wanna live i wanna fly i wanna live till i die dont wanna die till ive lived an too live is to flyLet me be a rock chick baby let me hit the streets with a pen and paper and a band with beat an electric guitar and a drummer and keys set up and ready for a rock steady beat
johnny depp - he is just a legend actor and also very good lookin!
i wud also like to see prince - the musician - not the royal - as i think he wud just be interesting to meet.i wud like to meet as many ppl as poss - u can never have too many friendsi would like to meet bon jovi - i know jon is taken but hey this guy is hot and has a gorgeous voice and is in an amazin band, i would really love to co - write with them one day but theres a very very tiny chance it wud ever happen!
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You Are Right Brained In Love
Bit of a drama queen
Peacemaker, first to end a fight
Good at thinking up creative dates
Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily
Going with your gut instead of your head
Emphathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault
Good at recognizing patterns in relationships
Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count
Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love
Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow
Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind
Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart
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Kung Fu Barbie
A dainty quiet brunnette, those overbearing male chauvenist pigs are always attracted to you. Little do they know what justice has in store for them. Roundhouse kicks and pressure-point strikes. Kung fu Barbie kicks some ass.
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anythin n everythin cept pure dance!! i actually love akons voice! BON JOVI aerosmith G'n'R All American rejects PANIC AT THE DISCO alannah myles pretty much anythin really except dance music,not really a huge fan of dance music. also fan of bands not as widely known cheak my myspace friends and check em out, i like Black Out Thursday!! ISMIALA - not a singer yet but has the voice to be (sing for knowledge!) musicals!!!!!
first off anythin wiv JOHNNY DEPP or WILL SMITH (saves listing loads)- save the last dance - THE LOST BOYS - 10 things i h8 about you - van helsing - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST- all dogs go to heaven - AN AMERICAN TAIL- the last samuri - LORD OF THE RINGS - jerry maguire - RAY - a walk to remember - pans labyrinth - labyrinth - all dogs go to heaven - the land before time
smallville, dawsons creek, CSI, neighbors - ultimate cartoon classics of the 90s lol
i like biographys
heroes are the ppl hu care more about the well bien of other ppl before their own needs - therefore there are too many heroes in the world to name!