The 56th Best MC in Bushwick profile picture

The 56th Best MC in Bushwick

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a software developer currently living in New York City. I hate myspace, but, like AIM, I use it because everyone else is on it. Unfortunately, millions of people couldn't have chosen to flood a system that is actually up half the time.

I have a bachelor of science in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I plan on becoming a billionaire, after which I will erect a tower right next to Donald Trump's that will be far taller.

My Interests

Climbing trees, singing (or making attempts at singing, at least)

I'd like to meet:

Richard D James, Julius Caesar, Mozart, and anybody who I deem worthy to be my acquaintance.


Just go here if you really want to know.


Pan's Labyrinth, Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2, Amadeus, The Incredibles, High Tension, Dead Alive, Ong Bak, The Flying Squid


Conan O' Brien, South Park, The O.C.


Gravity's Rainbow (still reading), Post Office, A Clockwork Orange, Many Poe stories, Design Patterns


The Maximum Tortoise, Sawd-Off, and AK Chedda. I'm also a big fan of Professor Krill Rock.