Lake Winnipesaukee | VISIT MY FORUM ...Full Tank - Fish Stank
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This little number is a combination of a 1 pixel X 1 pixel node placed on my style sheet combined with a little bit of "taking my data bases off of my system." I like to call it "Full Tank, Fish Stank" and I hope you enjoy it...
From: ♥ LAURA ♥
Date: May 17, 2007 12:26 AM
I watch the local news when it gets icy outside!
I write them now.
For references into copyright registration and other legal issues please visit the U.S. Copyright Office or if you just want to look around go to Copyright.Com for briefing beforehand. Preparation is the best tool for publishing materials that are considered your intellectual property. Good luck. to for some stuff why don't you?!?!
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