~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ profile picture

~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~

~*The best way out is always through*~..

About Me

It would be impossible for me to tell you about me in such a small space. But, my name is Annabelle, I currently reside in Brattleboro VT, but not for long. Once I finish me degree I am gone, first to Boston, and then New York City. I have a two year old son, I would be lost without him. I am in the process of finding myself right now, and will be for a while. I love to laugh and have a good time and meet new people. If you want to know more, hit me up....

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My Interests

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Myspace Layouts Being with my beautiful son, Meeting "real" people, Going out with the ladies, Fancy Restaurants, going out of town, pedicures, manicures, shopping, Hip-Hop, Advertising and Marketing, Business, Computers, Fashion, Basketball, Cooking (Mami caaaan Cooooook
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Myspace Layouts Is for losers who dont get enough out of the reality we live in each day.
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The Bluest Eye, Books of Quotes, Enlightenment books. a
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My son,having him changed my life for the better. My father because of his strength and kind heart. Jason Heath because he was there for me when my world collapsed and I had nothing and no one. My sons father because he never let me or my son go without the greater things in life, no matter what it took

My Blog


  Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.  
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:34:00 PST


Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime,Therefore, we are saved by hope.Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history;Therefore, we are saved by f...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:42:00 PST

When things go wrong...

..TR> When things go wrong as they sometimes will;When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;When the funds are low, and the debts are highAnd you want to smile, but have to sigh;When care is p...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:31:00 PST

Fake ass dudes

Why am I always first on the list of people to fuck over and fuck with?  I'm sorry, I guess have been unaware of the blinking billboard above my head which flashes "gullable", so vibran...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 12:23:00 PST

Italians vs. Greeks

                                     A Gree...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 07:34:00 PST

Italian Joke

A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation.The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of t...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:42:00 PST

You know you're Italian when.....

You have a nonna. You eat Sunday dinner at 2:00 You know what a rice ball really tastes like. Your car has a green red and a white bow with a horn attached on the mirror! You know the words to Dominic...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:27:00 PST

Christmas at my house, Italian style

CHRISTMAS ITALIAN STYLE       Twas the night before Christmas, Da whole house was mella Not a creature was stirrin', Cuz I had a gun unda da pilla. When up on da roof I heard ...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:46:00 PST

Humor is always a good thing

Joke:Trust? A businessman and his secretary, overcome by passion, go to his house for an early afternoon "quickie.""Don't worry," he purrs. "My wife is out of town on a business trip, so t...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 05:00:00 PST

Good Poem of the Day

Sometimes when I'm alone I cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form. I cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I h...
Posted by ~♥La Femmina di Capo♥~ on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:13:00 PST