attitude, bad spelling, baking, barcelona, being messy, big biceps, biochemistry, biology, blue, boxer briefs, brazil, cake, camel lights, cats, cigarettes, clothes, cooking, curry, dancing, easton, erotic stories, ethics, european shoes, french, gadgets, gap, gaudi, gay, gin and tonics, indian food, kissing, literature, london, love, madras, magazines, masturbation, men, mobility, money, morcheeba, movies, music, new jersey, new pornographers, nice weather,, pasta bakes, pepper, philosophy, pigeons, pillows, pineapple, prince, psychology, psychopharmacology, puma, radiohead, religion, risotto, sex, spice, st etienne, stripes, sweaters, thai food, theater, thrift stores, tink, traveling, urban, vintage clothes, vodka, warm towels, white wine
all kinds of shit, a little indie, a little trip-hop, a little folk, a whole lotta eighties
all about my mother, being jon malkovich, lost in translation, y tu mama tambien, sweetest thing, mulholland drive, election, best in show, etc...
carnivale, project runway, lost, the oc, golden girls, strangers with candy
middlesex, me talk pretty one day, salam pax, short story anthologies, dystopic novels, erotic fiction
i think i need one