Medical Experiments Toy Show profile picture

Medical Experiments Toy Show


About Me

To see what made this profile pretty, click here
..Dear MedEx Artists..
Thanks for your patience, to those who still have any, and my apologies for the impatience some of you have expressed.
I took on more than I could handle with this show. That's the long and short of it. I've never hosted a show like this before, and I'm afraid I learned the hard way certain unexpected factors. The responsibility of it all, the long hours involved, and the expense of it were huge.
Thank you for sending your work to help legitimize our stuffed toy genre in a new (booming) town. We accomplished that.
For the record, none of my own work, nor any of my books, were shown at this event. This show was for you guys and for our industry at large. The show drew tremendous crowds, and all of your stickers, business cards, pins and other freebies were taken away by viewers. All of you now have new fans and onlookers, and hopefully in time, clients.
I will start packing and shipping your work back to you this week.
I won't be doing an online leg of this show. Sorry to those of you whom this news disappoints. I tried to get it done, but it was more complex a task than I could handle with my fledgeling web programming skills and my scant time reserves. I should have foreseen these shortcomings, but alas, I had the moon in my eyes. Other factors now come into play, most recent being the death of my venerable computer. And anyway, only about five of you said you were interested.
Still, I said I'd do it, I didn't and I am sorry for keeping your work weeks after the end of the show. It is great work, and I'm sure you'll find a buyer for it.
It was an honor to work with all of you on this project. Visitors from all over the state came to see your work, and the show drew a continuous crowd throughout its display. Rob, the gallery manager and owner of PUSH said it was probably the most well-attended show he'd ever hosted.
People here in town are still asking me about the show, and wondering when another will come along. Heh.. One day, surely. Once I've adequately learned the processes.
Trust me, if I ever ask any of you to do a show with me again, I WON'T be organizing the whole thing myself, and I will have much different procedures in place. I will schedule the submission deadline amply before the opening so I can shoot the work and prepare for online sales. And I will launch the online portion the night of the opening. I will make sure the venue hosting it has its own pay pal account, or has handled paying out of state and international artists before.
And I will make myself more available over email and myspace for your legitimate questions. I have a tendency to go into hiding when I suspect disappointment. One of my most inconvenient character traits. Professionalism aside, I am truly human.
At any rate, great show, all of you, and I'm honored to have worked with you.
If I have damaged my reputation in the plush field, then I accept that. I'll work on restoring it. If any of you have anything mean or ugly to say, please email me directly.Thanks..
PS: For their intolerable rudeness, two individuals have been blocked and removed. Sorry, you two. I don't know who you think you are to be so atrocious, and this profile is not the forum for such exchanges. I worked hard on that show, gave you exposure, made a sale for one of you, and all I got was bickering in return.
I admitted my shortcomings and those who cared to respond did so favorably. So that's that.

My Interests

Cutting things apart and sewing things together, not necessarily in that order.

I'd like to meet:

The open call for entries brought in a lot of yesses. Here's just a partial list of who responded positively. I think we've got enough. Please understand that inclusion or not-yet-inclusion on this list does not mean you're in or out of the show. These are just the people John's had time to list yet.
Thus far, YOU could be showing in Asheville with such talents as:
Aimee Ray
Akiko Gordon
Beck Wheeler
Clarity Miller
Blobby Farm
Boris Hoppek
Cuddly Rigormortis
Dan "Grickily" Goodsell
Dav Guedin
Dennis "Bytedust" Douven
Donna Wilson
Erin Shafkind
Jessica Knapp
Jenny Harada
Joshua Longo
Kat Sikes
Kinch White
Kitty Pinkstars
Klim Kozinevich
Little Odd Forest
Little Miss Luzifer
Lizette Greco
Mandy Newham
Marjon van Stijn
Mark May
Matt Deterior
Meena Kim
Mr. Muju
Mister Oura
Mr. Pickles
Mutation Sensation
Heidi Kenney
Nate Little
Nervous Onion
Nicole McConville
P. Williams
Rachel Chow
Rhya Tamasauskas
Robert Juszcyk
Robyn Fabsits
Mrs. Sarah Onion
Serena Kuhl
Shawnimal Smith
She Lost It
Syl HIllier
Teresa Levy


The Fly


Fox's Alien Autopsy

My Blog

The Open Call for Entries Has Become a Jury Process

Hi, everyone.We've had such a tremendous response to the open call that we need to taper down the entries. For this reason, the entry form link has been removed from this profile, and will be availabl...
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:48:00 PST

Roughly Six Weeks till the show

Hi, participants..We've got quite a load of participants by now and we're very excited about the way the show's going to look.I'm bugging my doctor friends for any medical equipment they might be able...
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:09:00 PST

Up to Date MedEx Show Information!! Please Read!

Thanks, everyone for such a tremendously positive response. And thank you all for your patient wait for this follow-up information. Read on for important information about the show. If you still have ...
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:45:00 PST

Dates for the show:

Deadline for entries: Wed, March 14Show opens: March 17Show closes: April 18
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:19:00 PST

Important stuff about the MedEx show

Hi, everyone. I encourage all of you committed participants to subscribe to this blog. Here are some things you gotta know:1. We need you to drop a line to [email protected] so we can start a ...
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 03:37:00 PST

You're Invited to Participate in the Medical Experiments Plush Toy Show of 2007

Hello, plush designers. You're invited to submit work to a show that John and Ian of Stupid Creatures will be curating in Asheville, NC. The host for the show will be the well known art venue and skat...
Posted by Medical Experiments Toy Show on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:03:00 PST