Member Since: 11/20/2006
Band Members: !--START CODE IN BAND MEMBERS --! !----start TOP BANNER CODE--! !----END TOP BANNER CODE--! !-Create and size our div. We will never close this div. It will close when the containing table closes-! !!! MODIFY width to the SAME width as your core image !!! !----START CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----! ABOUT K-RO:
Born and raised in the bay area, K-Ro strives to bring
an essence of truth in all his music. At an early age
he was introduced to a wide variety of sounds and had
a fascination with many genres. Growing up in the bay
area, a very diverse and culturally mixed place, there
were many different things to pick up on. Beyond all
the daily challenges he faced, he felt music and being
able to express himself thoroughly was most relieving
in writing and producing. At the moment he’s working
with several artists, trying to put together projects
which area appealing to everyone. Keep your eyes
open, future releases will be posted.
: !----END CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----! !-Open 3 layers of table/row/cell-! !-IF do NOT want any content from my Right side, I can use i instead of L1-!
!-The below class i hides the remainder of the general table-!
Sounds Like: !START code in Influences ! !START Style Block For Hiding Elements on Band Page! MySpace Band Hide Everything !End code in Influences ! table div table td.text object
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None