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About Me

way into music and books: the two have coexisted mostly peacefully for much of my life. many of the books i've worked on have been about music. and many of the bands i've played with have been populated by bookish types, with bookish fans. lots of crossover. also: tacos, barbecue, thai food and sushi are necessary in great quantities.gigs: The Stingers 1982-1986; Chris Harford 1989-1993; Hub Moore 1992; Kevin Salem 1990-1996; Simon & Schuster 1988-1995; Harvey Klinger Inc. 1996-present; Mike Hunt Band (feat. Tammy Faye Starlite) 1999-present; Tammy Faye Starlite.Other bits: Dumptruck (recording & a few long-ago gigs), Toshi Reagon (2 tracks on "The Rejected Stone"), Screaming Trees (1 session, unreleased), Patty Smyth (1 session, unreleased again!), Chris Butler (recording, a gig), Otis Ball (a couple gigs)

My Blog

The Stingers--"China Dolls" Great song, cheesy vid made by some Emerson college students needing a senior-year project. We were that. The band was, in 1986 when this was ma...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 14:12:00 GMT

The Stingers--"China Dolls"
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 09:04:00 GMT


Raced out to the local CD shop as soon as they opened, so as not to miss getting a copy of the new PJ Harvey. So few people actually want hard CDs anymore, the store doesn't always order enough. And w...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 13:49:00 GMT