myspace generators
myspace generators
I love RocKin' 0uT, bein' unruly, singing karaoke, skateboard, bodyboard, hiking, being in the picture & taking the picture....(of course), TCB, the ocean, travelinG,making pe0ple laUgh, speaking jApeneSe, incredible sunsets, with incredible wine, with unlimited credit...... i love resorts & tropical i$lands...
..yo mom, my moms dad, my dads mom, yo best friend......and a kick a$$ drummer, with a practice space!! (for once)!!!
make my own noise.. out of any muthf*ckin thing!...hmmm, music, love, sk8tin down diamond head on my long board. . . i love lou reed, lee perry, plasmatics, rUnAways, raDiohead, bjoRk, blur, teArs f0r feaRs, k.o.l., motoChrist, henRy rollIns, mot0heAd, pEaches, cAsh, boWie, stoNes, rocKsteady reGgea!! peAches, cuLt, CLASH, p0lice, any mArley, wIllie nElson, mr. eDdie vedDer (is that jim morrison re-encarnated?), t0ol, nIn, chiLi pePpers, sweEt, bad braIns, oNe man aRmy, wUmpsCut, coyote shivers, Lolita&tHe fearlEss feaRs, jefFerson aiRplane, stYxx, buBble, rAmones, soUnds, ouTcast, nomad, sugarcUbes, Queen, u.s.b0mbs, stooGes, sham69, johnNy thunDers, nEw yoRk d0lls, real kids, deAd boYs, hEart, kanSas, joUrney, meatLoaf? (what).........a very broad and diverse range of mUsic....bla,bla.
DiRty daNciNg, never enDing story,true romance, janes addiction-gift,thank you for not smoking, smacK, wHat the bLeep d0 we kNow, beYond the vAlley of The dolls, poltergiest,7 year itch, ghostbusteRs, ....... any movie i am starring in is awinner too!
discovery, a&e, tlc, history, local channel 16..(boardstories & skin diver). . . .
jen ken po, queen emmas book, feng shui to love, mosbys anatomy ........
mAriLyn m0nR0E, sTeVe IrWin, DaVidAlaN$uZukI, HeiDi SigMunD CudA........(mom, dad, grandma, 2 love 'em) ...this is my best pal.... :) ..moloka'i..! aunts bar in rural kansas!!!!