Alexander Abreu Manresa. Trompeta. Cienfuegos. 6 de Septiembre de 1976.Premio Grammy Latino por su participación en el disco "La Rumba Soy Yo"Cursó estudios elementales en su Cienfuegos natal además de tocar en el Grupo Ismaelillo, verdadera cantera de buenos músicos en esa bella provincia, además, también laboró en esa época en una agrupación vocal bajo la dirección de Rosa Campos. Mas tarde se gradúa en la Escuela Nacional de Música (ENA).
Mucho antes de graduarse brillaba con luz propia en diversas agrupaciones este inagotable músico. La impecable ejecución de su instrumento bien pronto le valió para literalmente escalar hasta llegar a lo mas alto dentro de la música cubana con apenas 20 años de edad. Los que lo conocen o lo han escuchado en vivo saben de lo que hablo.
Antes y desde su graduación hasta la fecha ha sembrado un camino de logros difÃciles de esconder.
Tanto como intrumentista como maestro está haciendo historia, cuentan en su haber experiencias como maestro en la ENA y en el Conservatorio RMC en Copenhagen.
Quien albergue duda alguna acerca de la calidad profesional Alexander Abreu solo tiene que asomarse al impresionante currÃculum de discos que ha grabado en Cuba y fuera de ella, asà como en los muchos festivales y clubs de Jazz que desde Paulo F.G hasta Irakere ha visitado por todo el mundo. Es sin lugar a dudas uno de los músicos con mayor record de grabaciones en Cuba.
Solo restan dos cosas, hablar de su última faceta, cantante; señores, hay que verlo cantar!! Y la otra, que no por última es menos importante... su lado humano, alberga un corazón ENORME (y no por la gordura que conste) todos los que hemos tenido la dicha de conocerle sabemos que sus virtudes son mas que sus defectos.
Puede que alguien se moleste o no esté de acuerdo conmigo, incluso él mismo, pero lo que he escrito aquà es cierto, gústele a quien le guste, pésele...... a quien le pese.
Orestes Machado.
Alexander Abreu Manresa. Trumpet. Cienfuegos. 6
September of 1976. Won a Latin Awards Grammy for his participation in the disc
“La Rumba Soy Yo†elementary Study in his native Cienfuegos besides to play in
Ismaelillo's band, true quarry of good musicians in that beautiful province, in
addition, also he worked at that time in a vocal grouping under the direction of
Rose Fields. Later one graduates in the National School of Músic (ENA). Long
before graduating this inexhaustible musician shone with own light in diverse
groupings. The impeccable execution of his instrument very soon was worth to him
literally to climb until arriving at upper within Cuban music with hardly 20
years of age. Those that knows him or have listened him live they know what I
am talking about. Before and from its graduation until now he has seeded a way
of profits difficult to hide. Like a musician and teacher he is making history,
count in his resume experiences like teacher in the ENA and Conservatory RMC in
Copenhagen. Who lodges doubt some about the professional quality of Alexander Abreu
has to prest attention to the impressive curriculum of discs that he has
recorded in Cuba and outside, as well as in the many festivals and clubs of Jazz
he has visited playing with Paulo F.G and Irakere . He is without doubt one of
the musicians with greater record of recordings in Cuba. Only remain two
things, to speak of his last facet, singer; gentlemen, it is necessary to see
him sing it! And the other, that at last is not less important… his human side,
lodges an ENORMOUS heart (and not by the obesity that consists) all those that
we have had the happiness to know him we know that his virtues are more than his
defects. He himself even can that somebody is bothered or it is not in agreement
with me, but what I have written here is certain, like to whom it likes, weight
him to it ...... to who weighs to him. Orestes Machado.