* Starr * profile picture

* Starr *

You can't just go by what you see with your eyes. See with your heart and mind.

About Me

photographic layouts @ myspaceclipart.com
Myspace Graphics
Created @myspaceclipart.com
MySpace Layouts @ myspaceclipart.com .
I am a strong NDN Woman and DAMN proud of it. I will trust you and let you into my life once but if you do me wrong I will let you go your way. That will be the end. I'm married to a wonderful man if you know him you would agree. He puts up with me being a crazy woman or just let me think he does. I work hard to keep our family strong and happy. I want to teach for my children the ways of my family. I'm a mom of 2 wonderful children. My son is 15 and my daughter is 6. They are the reason there is a tomorrow for me. I love them very much. I thank my creator that they pick me to be their mommy. Photography is my passion. I love Black and White photography it is my favorite. And I am stating to like Digital Photography. I love all kinds of art; Museums are like a playground for me. LOL I also enjoy Music, Fashion, Design, World Travel, NASCAR and, BOOKS. If you want to know more just ask...

My Interests

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~Ansel Adams

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet God and ask him WHY?????
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Hell I love all kind of music it changes like my moods. What I am listening to right now is Rascal Flatts before that is was Ludacris. I love classic Rock, Rock, Country, and Alternative.


Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Happy Butts


I don't watch TV much anymore!!!! Not enough time in my day and it kills your brain....LOL


I'll read just about any thing. There are too many to name so there... The two books I am reading right now are The Photoshop Book, Navajo Taboos ,and listening to a Nora Roberts book in the truck.


My parents are My Heroes. Mama was one of the strongest and beautiful people I have ever know. She knew what I was doing before I did it. Taught me how to be a mom and wife. Hope I am half as wonderful as she was. My Papa was strong as well but did not take any one crap. I get that that from him. I go by his old saying " If you step on my moccasins shame on you but of you do it twice shame on me." I miss you both hope to see in the clouds...

My Blog

Sad days are coming Too close lately....

Yesterday we lost another family memeber...  We have lost 2 in a month.  We are very sad by this.  We are in a great deal of awe and some denial.  Brads cousin was very young and h...
Posted by * Starr * on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:46:00 PST

Just sad today!!

I am sure you don't give a shit but I need to write and let out how I feel... I am just sad today cuz it is 6 year since I had my mom whole, alive, and in my life.  Six years ago I had ...
Posted by * Starr * on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:42:00 PST

Just Happy.

Life is just great.  I just got off the phone with an old best friend.  It was just like old times after all these years.  I missed the way we used to talk about boys it was kind of fun...
Posted by * Starr * on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:39:00 PST