Please click the picture above or on this text line to listen to or purchase my CD, Serenity Now
I recently uploaded a video on YouTube of me playing a solo acoustic work written by Alex Lifeson of Rush. It's a song from their latest CD. The song is called Hope. It's a bit faster than Alex's, but I always get nervous in front of a crowd (even a virtual one).
Greetings and salutations! (Hello!)
Welcome to my page. Here you will find a multitude of methods to hear my music. We have the 30 second clips via the player above where you can purchase songs individually. There are 2 minute clips available from my CDBaby page where you can purchase the entire CD (available by clicking the photo of me) and I also rotate songs via the MySpace music player (typically I put the entire song there). I hope you take a few minutes to give them a listen and come back often to hear others. Feel free to rate the songs in the MySpace player. I'd love to see your feedback. All of these songs are from my first official solo CD. It's primarily mellow acoustic along the lines of Nick Drake and early Joni with maybe a touch of old Talking Heads. The accompaniment consists of occasional drums, bass guitar and electric guitar making all sorts of bizarre sounds. Sounds clips of a few of the songs can be heard from the link mentioned up there. It's a collection of songs filled with love, pondering, hopefullness, hopelessnss and inevitably, loss. Some of these songs were originally written as far back as 1985. The arrangements have stayed the same over the years, but the accompaniment has improved. Other songs were written recently. My sytle hasn't changed much over the years. I know what moves me. I know what motivates me. And I know what makes me feel good when I'm doing it. So there it is, heart on my sleeve, completely exposed to anyone who cares enough to take the time to look, listen and hopefully, enjoy.
I also play hard rock in a band called FOREVERbabies. Each song is different in style and sound so if one doesn't appeal to you, perhaps another one will.
Simply click on this text line to
see, hear, and purchase FOREVERbabies
As for what kind of person I am, I'm an egomaniac, megalomaniac, nymphomaniac who is on a lifelong search to discover what exactly was the greatest thing before sliced bread. I enjoy skinny-skiing, going to bullfights on acid, I race cars.... I play tennis.... I fondle women... but I do get weekends off and I am my own boss.
OK, now for the truth. I'm sarcastic without being cruel. I'll give you the shirt off my back and never ask for anything in return unless you take advantage of me or screw me over in which case I may forgive, but I won't forget. I admire integrity above all else in people. I despise it when people think they're more important than anyone else or when someone can't put themselves in another person's shoes in an effort to try and understand what drives them. I despise traffic although I love to drive. I think women are far more intelligent and admirable than men (in general). Doubt me on that? Imagine a guy having to go thru labor pains. The world would come to an end within 2 generations. In the battle between heart and mind, my heart will usually win. And I believe in everything in moderation with occasional excess.
My Interests
Member Since: 11/18/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Michael Hedges, Joni Mitchell, David Gilmour, William Ackerman, Rush
Sounds Like: Nick Drake, Iron & Wine, Michael Hedges
Type of Label: None