Annfrid profile picture



About Me

hmm..well my name is Annfr�� or Ann, depends on your where you come from. I come from the beautiful place of the Faroe Islands, but currently I'm in Copenhagen.. Love my family, love my friends, love to laugh, love life...some days more than others, but still lovin' it all!..

You Are 77% Peaceful
You are a very peaceful person. All is good in your world, no matter what's going on.
Occasionally you let your problems get to you, but you generally remain upbeat.
Your inner strength is inspirational - much more so than you may realize. How Peaceful Are You?

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Micheal Jackson


Bob Marley, SOJA, Micheal Jackson, Lena Andersen, Torshavnar Manskor, India Arie, Oasis, Teitur, Whitney Houston, Chris Tomlin, Sting, George Micheal, Goo goo dolls, U2, Paul Simon, Coldplay, Lauryn Hill, Sugarbabes, Toto, Kim Larsen, Johnny Mogensen, the Killers, the Cardigans, All Saints, Lisa Ekdahl, Kari P, Jack Johnson oh I almost forgot: The Story Ends!!!


Love Actually, Sound of Music, the Pianist, the Beach, Napoleon Dynamite, Bridget Jones, Face Of, Con Air, Home Alone (all of them), the Hollyday, My name is nobody, Fight club, Ciderhouse rules, Batman, city of God, Chocolat, Mit navn er Dina, Almost Famous, Groundhogday, Efter bryllupet, Blinkende lygter, osv osv


Just books in general.



My Blog


Eg for i skula i dag við ti hugsan, at eg for at faa eina 3 dages hjemmeopgave, sum tað so pent eitur, heim við aftur. Men so var ikki, uppgavan er so at siga avlyst; istaðin skulu vit gera eina framl...
Posted by Annfrid on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:12:00 PST

verdin er herlig

ja...tad nokk tid til ein nyggjan blogg. havi funnid utav nøkrum faum vidurskiftum i seinastuni. Ta eg skrivadi teir badar seinastu bloggarnar, so uppdagadi eg at tad av onkrari orsøk rørdi folk, eit...
Posted by Annfrid on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 01:47:00 PST

some swines

okok her nokk tørvur a eini uppdatering..tad eru some swine, tiverri, men satt. Og eg veit eisini at tad eru fax some female swine eisini. So er tad sagt. tad skuldi ik so nogv til fyri at progva tad ...
Posted by Annfrid on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:23:00 PST

all men are swine!!!!

hm....ja tad er tann nakni sannleikin: allir menn eru swine, sum tann visa Rosa so bitturt plagdi at taka til. Eg haldi tad nu....og fari at halda tad sama lika inntil eitt mannfolk progvar tad motsat...
Posted by Annfrid on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 01:05:00 PST

Forvirret...det er jeg..

Hey! Eg veit vid vissu, at fyri eini tid sidani, ta hugsadi eg: "her er rotid, eg hevdi ynskt at okkurt hendi i minum livid...bara okkurt, eitt ella annad" Og eg skal siga tykkum; okkurt hendi....dugi...
Posted by Annfrid on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:42:00 PST

svanna my friend

hello yall I'm sitting in my friends place, eating all of her candy. She's so nice I'm so glad she's here in Denmark, that is where I am....she doesn't like it that much at the moment....But someday s...
Posted by Annfrid on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:28:00 PST

sov ikki allan dagin vekk, Annfríð!!!

okok hetta er eitt av mínum nýttárslyftum til mín sjálvs og eg skrivi tað her, tí eg vil gjarna halda tað...í hvørt fall til sunnudagin. Aftaná tá eri eg noydd til tað. Ja tað, sum eg skal, er at fara...
Posted by Annfrid on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:02:00 PST

feeling really happy...

I seriously don't know why, but right now i just feel happy, like really really happy. I'm just wondering why that is....does anyone know what i'm talking about? (also just testing if anyone read...
Posted by Annfrid on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST