svanna profile picture



About Me

Hey there! I'm Svanna/live in Copenhagen/study service management in Copenhagen/Will be done in a years time ;) I love hanging out with my awesome friends, meeting new people, and traveling. I am a Christian, and have a pesonal faith in Jesus Christ. This too affects my life, even though I fail at times. So if there are any questions or comments, bring em' on ;)...
Your Eyes Should Be Green
Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger

What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world What Color Should Your Eyes Be?

My Interests

.... Uhhh.. Music, dancing, trying to be creative.. ahh.. what else..travelling! love travelling to new places! and just having a laugh :)))))...

I'd like to meet:


Myspace Layouts at /...
Contact Tables



A lot of different ...---- .... .... .... ....


Take the lead.. really good entertainment, American History X, The Waterboy, Napoleon Dynamite, Scoop, Chocolat, Monster, Million dollar Baby...


at the time being I don't have a tv.. but in the good old days, there was The Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, and documentaries about all kinds of stuff


Hmmm... hard one, like Faroese books, The Da Vinci Code, The Bible----


My Grandfather, my Mother and my Saviour .... ....


My Blog

Upp á hestin aftur!

Tann undan farna vikan hevur verið mær sera hendingarík. So hendingarík at eg vil skriva ein blogg um tað. Hon byrjaði fríggjamorgun 30 mai, tá túrurin gekk til Føroya í eina viku við tveimun gentum ...
Posted by svanna on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:04:00 PST

My new friend list... totalt tilfeldigt!

Heidi ho! Havi mangan hoyrt fólk tosa um hvussu høgt summi ganga uppí sín top friend lista her inni á myspace.. slatur um hvør gongur saman við hvørjum, og hvør er vinir nú og ikki .. "eru t...
Posted by svanna on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:28:00 PST

Danmark mín Móðir!

Hey folks!Haldi at tað er alt for einstátta at øll skr um loysing, so her er eitt forsøg på mótspæl.. einki alvorligt, men bara eitt sindur av propaganda!Kl er 01.11, og tað er meiningin at eg skal fy...
Posted by svanna on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:08:00 PST


90'ini... hvat er at siga um tey? ? Faktiskt burdi eg arbeitt uppá mína speciale uppgávu beint nú, men so kom eg at hugsa um hvussu deilig 90'ini vóru. Av tí grund vildi eg skriva henda blogg. Hetta e...
Posted by svanna on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:09:00 PST

Hvaðani eri eg?

Hey tit sum nokk eru byrjaði at lesa hendan bloggin.í dag tá eg hevði eina laaaanga fríløtu, fór eg mær ein túr inn á o koyrdi eina mynd inn av mær. Og sum ikki einferð so komu fleiri m...
Posted by svanna on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 10:20:00 PST

Eurovision 2007

Hey Folkens...ok, hondina upp, hvussu nógv at tykum hugdu at Eurovision 2007? ok.. til tykkum sum eru so flóv at tit ikki eingang klára at lyfta hondina upp har tit sita, púra forlatt, má e siga, e sk...
Posted by svanna on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:03:00 PST

hvat skal til...

Hvat skal til fyri at skora eina fitta babsa-gentu... hehe.. feitur tittul, ha?? Men álvari er tó í.. Eftir ein góðan kráku fund hjá Àsu, við lekrari nýbakaðari brownies-kaku, (NAM!) komu vit, nevndar...
Posted by svanna on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:23:00 PST

Peace and love!

Hey folkens.. and to all the people that don't understand the divine language, hi folks.. ups.. hatta er nokkso líka, ha?  líka mikið.. jaja. hetta er ein test.. so testing, testing..  Ehm....
Posted by svanna on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:18:00 PST