Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ profile picture

Keri Leigh Phoenix ™

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm addicting and Expensive... ♥
My name is Keri.
Born, Raised && Currently Residing in

&&So the Story goes...
Hey spacers! you should know my name by now and no I'm not from Phoenix,Az. Born, Raised and currently in The Bay Area Cali4nia. Ive moved alot in my life and spent time in Oregon, Las Vegas and for the last 2 years, Boise Idaho. NO matter what Cali is my home and i always end up back in the bay.As far as Careers go I KNOW my goal is to do something in the entertainment industry. Acting has always been a passion and over the last year or two modeling has become a great love as well. Being infront of the camera excites me and its something I plan on pursing. I dont plan on doing any Porn or nude. Im more of an artist than an exhibitionist. I love my body but not perfect. I'm confortable and confident in my own skin and appreciate my body for everything I've put it though.
Im one of the realest and sweetest girls you could ever meet. I'm all about respect means and like people who know how to show it. Im open and honest about everything But If Its something you dont need to know, i wont tell you. Haters dont get me down & arent really people i consider friends anywyas.. I get along better with guys because they're less drama prone. Im really bad when it comes to being on time for anything. Always take for ever BUT the end product is always well worth it. Im a procrastinator but a perfectionist. So bear with me... its a Libra
I dont reply to "Hey, Whats up" messages unless I KNOW you. So if you dont get response, Quit crying.
Try a telling a joke instead.
"When it all comes down to it, i let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what i do, then I'm already better than them anyways."
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My Interests

If you message me asking anything thats been answered on this page, Don't Expect a reply. Someone who cant take 5 minutes to Read my page beforehand, Doesn't deserve that much of my time.
My interests include
(but are not limited to):

- Tattoos
- Tanning
- Motorcycles
- Camping
- Romance
- Passion
- Love
- Snowboarding
- Dirtbikes
- Summer ♥

I'm Deep.
"Goodbyes make you think. They make you realise what you have, what you've lost, and what you've taken forgranted."

"The way I see it, You have 2 options: work with what you have (or) Get What you need. The Wiser does both"

"I shouldn't have to wait around for you,
you should be there when you SAY you're going to."

A cheater only cheats himself, because he doesn't get to be with you

"I'm just here to appreciate beauty"- alex NYC

You can't play the girl thats runnin this game.

The Best Revenge is Massive Successs.

"Women can do anything that men can do... Just backwards and in heels."- Ginger Rogers

I could have the world in the palm of my hands,
but without my friends, It might as well be sand.


Promises are just lies with pretty ribbons tied to them

my autobiograpghy: i..m the shit // the end.

in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.

Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life, and love shouldn't be one of them

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways

Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.

Anyone can be passionate. But, it takes real lovers to be silly

Every woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in love with men who are weak and irresponsible.

The worst thing a guy can do is let a girl fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her.

First love, the love that clings to your heart forever, no matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, first love will never leave my soul

"Let go of what kills you and hold on to what keeps you breathing."

There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.

God made our arms just long enough to embrace ourselves: go ahead, try it - nobody's watching.

We don't stop loving someone, we simply learn to live without them.

The funny thing about breakups is they point out what we didn't even know we had, but don't give us the option of going back into battle armed with that knowledge.

To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive.Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle; rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be

No one can promise they’ll never hurt you, because at one time or another they will. The real promise is if the time you spent together will be worth the pain in the end.

"I've learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures never replace having been there, memories, good or bad, will bring tears and words can never replace feelings."

" I refuse to tip toe through life, only to arrive safely at death"

"You only meet your once in a lifetime friend...once in a lifetime."

&& if one day. i actually start to matter..let me know

&&She's scared to get close to anyone because everyone that said they'd be there left.

If youre not going to grab me by the back of the head, Throw me against the wall && kiss me like you need me to survive...Then I dont want you

I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name

I'd rather spend my life alone than waste my time on waiting.

A girl should be two things, Classy and Fabulous.

"things change, people change. and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up- it means accepting that some things were never meant to be. you don't give up because you're weak, you give up because you're strong enough to let go. you never stop loving someone, and if you do, you probably never loved them. life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment, and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. take chances; life is no fun without them. and if you screw up- at least you learned something." -natalie ubeda

"Instead of trying to get enough information to get into a girl's pants, why don't they just be curious about another human being? In that scenario, the sex will probably come anyway, but the experience will be worth so much more than an orgasm." -Josh Warren

"I wish the average man would pull his head out of his ass long enough to try and understand how a woman experiences attraction and sexuality instead of just assuming she wants the same thing he wants." - Josh Warren

"Its not that I hate ugly people, It's just that I dont like them breathing our air."

You ever barf up something you know you didn't eat?

Take nothing but pictures
Leave nothing but footsteps
Kill nothing but time

Life is about ASS
Everyone is either covering it,
Laughing it off, Kicking it,
trying to get a piece of it
or simply just being one.

"I never get tired of this...
my right hand however, thats another story."

I'd like to meet:

Yeah, He's a looker,
but I really think It's guts that matter most.

Unless you're John Cena or K Dub

"I Need a man who is strong mentally AND Physically. Someone who is confident and comfortable with who he is but still strives to improve his quality of life. Hes got to motivate me to be the best person i can be, hold me when i need him and tell me when I'm wrong. Someone who understands what makes a woman a woman and can appreciate her for who she is. I want a man who can be my best friend, my lover, my master, my secret keeper, my dream chaser. Someone who can have fun all day. Someone who can make me laugh when im crying and get me naked when I'm anry. I want passionate love, nothing less. I want a man who knows where to touch me and when to take me."

"&& if I wanted to stay, you won't stand in my way
But I'm choosing to leave with your heart on my sleeve
It feels too good without you"

My GIRLS are the only people I need.

"Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty?
You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty,
but my goodness, doesn't it help?"



Anything with Marilyn♥


ATHF. Weeds. CSI:LV. Girls Next Door. Snoop Dogg's FatherHood.


"But the struggles make you stronger
&& the changes make you wise
&& Happiness has its own way of taking its
Sweet time"


My Other Half
Robyn Fierce is the other half of my brain, my soul and my heart. She is more than just a friend, she is my missing piece, The end of my sentance and the chocolate to my raisin ♥ We are taking the world by storm && Summer '08 be absolutely insane
"A wise girl kisses but does not love, listens but does not believe and leaves before she is left"
My Big Brothers:
My sister, Kylee
Grandma Betty
Without a doubt the most amazing woman you will ever meet in your life. I give her full credit for raising not only myself, but my brother and sister as well. She has always been there for me, even when i had no one else. She's saved me from Jail and god knows what else. No one has ever been there for me like she has. If there is anything good inside of me, it's because of this incredible woman.
♥ come home yuki


My Blog

The BIG 2-0! (plus update)

Heeyyy Errybody! hahaha So things have been pretty hectic with school and trying to find a job and all but My schedule has become more clear. I'm in class Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm (basically) I'm taking Kick...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 10:38:00 PST

YOUTUBE INFO(full version)

Youtube Round 4 hahaREVAMPED!!! can't keep me down biotch. :P Helloooo everyone, I missed you!! I'm back again && ready to make you some fresh hot vids! Incase you DONT know who i am, I'm Ker...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 04:39:00 PST

The Latest- Must Read (for everyone)

So i feel that now its coming into a new season and summer is over its time to get serious. Fall is here and classes have started. Yes, Keri is a College Girl!! I'm going to school at DVC getting my p...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 02:08:00 PST

Friends to the End: A Race to a Million

HEY EVERYONE! so check it out- Robyn Fierce and I (Keri Phoenix) are now in a FRIENDLY RACE to see who the first Lovely Lady is that can get a Million Friends! BE ADVISED that this is a FRIENDLY RACE...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 10:32:00 PST

What have I been doing?

I know alot of you are wondering where the heck ive gone and whats happening on my end. Sorry that Ive been so busy and barely online but its all been for the better so, chillax. First of all, I got ...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:57:00 PST

Goals && Grit

"There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, 'Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams.' Then they put the box away and bring it out once in awhile to look in it, and yep, th...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 11:16:00 PST


wanted an explaination. Still think you owe it to me. Spoke my peace.  a innocent joke turned to catastrophe. Cant lie and say it didnt hurt. But I'm sure you knew it would I didnt me...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:38:00 PST


I WILL NOT DATE YOU If you were born after 9/29/1988its a problem. i cant be with someone younger than me. If you are under 5'9'' (and thats pushing it. I prefer 6''. this girl likes to wear heels) I...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 12:34:00 PST


Here's to all those girls who used to be his number one. The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed. The ones who made it through t...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:08:00 PST


I made An Amazon wish list!! You can go ahead and get stuff off there and they'll send it to me. Easy huh? well, you should do it... because you know what?... no one did last year. NO ONE. so... don...
Posted by Keri Leigh Phoenix ™ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 05:14:00 PST