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About Me

Just call me a natural Floridian (or Tyrone Harris), Well except my brief stay in Baton Rouge, LA. I was born in Central Florida... went to college in South Florida... and now I live/ work/ play/ in North Florida.
Orkut Comments & Glitters , Myspace Comments
Still into art, writing poems (yeah, I finally got some published, Thank God) ~ Just for a taste of one of my pieces "And Still" , Search for Tyrone Harris and view one of my poems on
But mostly I deal in graphic and web design because it pays the bills...and most importantly, Nadia and Asia
Big ups to all my old students from LSD... that is my other fam. I have to say big up to all the Gospel Reggae artist across the world. These Ladies and Gents revived the saying "Positive Vibes". Much Love, Much Respect, Much thanks for keeping true praise on fire in me. Lite it up pon da floor for Christ! Watch me... serious ting ah gon, stomp de devil real tough. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13
Yes, it is so. His word says in Habakkuk 2:2 - 4
2. Then the LORD answered me and said:
“ Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
3. For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry."
4. Behold the proud,
His soul is not upright in him;
But the just shall live by his faith.
“Write the vision and make it plain” That is why the time is now to “Pull and Shift”. Pull down every thing that has hindered me (everything that has hindered you) from walking in the fullness thereof and shift into the perfect will of God. Not just to live better, but to take the war to the devil and take the Kingdom by storm. War Chant! Our purpose is not just to try to get comfortable and wait for the Lord to come get us, but what about the harvest?
Words have been spoken on my life… and the time is now! No games, no hesitation.
February 2, 2001 “Tyrone, Proverbs 3:6, In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. Missionary Tuggerson spoke that if you put God first in your life, if you seek Him, He will bless you in your schooling, and a job that you may bless the kingdom mightily. You are called to do a specific work to stand out in the crowd, to make a difference.
He has always watched over you and made a way. Believe God, seek God and He will do the impossible. Trust Him, He is always there”
So let it be known… satan (with a little “s”) with the promises of God, forgiveness from all my sins through the precious shed blood of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Ghost… notice has been served!

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

My daughters Nadia and Asia. For you my little Bajan Princesses

Thank God it is peaceful when they sleep... lol


This is what we should do to terrorist, beat on them, slam them, put them in moves like the kamora and tear their ulnar collateral ligaments and remove their humerus from their scapula...
and then pray for them, LOL

I'd like to meet:

I would say Him, but He met me and called me before I knew Him. I would like to meet Timothy (NT). I would love to chat with Avion Blackman and commend her on her amazing voice. Mission Epistle because "Every time I wanna seek His face..."
Big up to Avalanchee, hard core, zen. Mark Mohr - his family - and his band. Papa San, Big Up! From 1 Tyrone to another. Many, many, many of my other brother's and sisters that are setting the standard in Gospel Reggae, Gospel, and Reggae. Dedication! Thank you all.
Laila Ali, wow... the epitome of beauty, soul, and a fighting spirit.

Will Smith, Dr. Jamal Bryant, and Dwayne Wade...
Will has done a lot with his life, regardless of coming from a difficult up bringing and without the "traditional" family background, and he has a "mixed family". He is doing it real BIG, like to get some insight how he made it through...

Dr. Jamal Bryant... ha, if you have never heard him bring the word,then I just couldn't put it into words. Very powerful, very funny, very truthful, yet still humble.

Dwayne Wade, This cat is awesome and he plays for Miami, Mi amor prima! (Talking about the city) In addition to his play on the court, his humility and belief in God is really fascinating. And I would like my LSD students to meet Martel Van Zant


Since I was young I loved movie scores, not so much sound tracks but actual movie scores. I have moved around a lot over the years... so my taste for music varies from classical to calypso. But for the past couple of years Gospel Reggae has been in my ear constantly, positive vibes ya know.

We were just listening to the calypso and then Asia just started to dance...


Any and all...they all offer something, I am a fan of filmography, part of my goal to be a "Director of Photography" Yeah, it will happen... Unless God points me in another direction. Which is fine, because His perfect will be done.But I will just say that I got to see Transformers. Beyond impressive, I am at a lost for words on that one. YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT!!!


Uh, not so much...a lot of it is the same now. Crime dramas, "reality series". But I have to admit that I did get hung up on Flava of Love II (can't believe it still) and Nip/ Tuck...shame. Outside of that, informative shows on the Discovery network (especially in HD), A&E, MMA events, ESPN and pretty much all sports.


One right now, or you could say 66 of them...U know what I mean???


A lot of people say it...but I mean it, my mom and God. No joke on that one for true!My Spiritual Parents, Apostle Bernard Tuggerson and Pastor T

My Blog

Thank God for Everything?

This was in regards to the posted comments on Dr. KC Price explanation of what to thank God for.  Copy and paste the link below to read his explanation.
Posted by Thai on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:52:00 PST

The Blessing Explosion

..> These days will be a day where the power of God will reign strong over the power of the devil. And whatever the devil does, God is going to do much more. Yeah, I heard that Lord. Hallelujah.W...
Posted by Thai on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 08:03:00 PST

Strength to Move Forward

..> "For these are the days that will require great courage," saith the Lord, "great courage and strength to move beyond where you are. For I've already prepared the path and I've already prepare...
Posted by Thai on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:55:00 PST

If I wanted to hear preaching, I would have gone to church

"If I wanted to hear preaching, I would have gone to church"What is this common misconception among non-believers that in their everyday interaction with a believer (outside of a building that has bee...
Posted by Thai on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:57:00 PST

A word to help us keep our head up...

Psalm 103 A Psalm of David. 1 Bless the LORD, O my soul;         A nd all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul,&...
Posted by Thai on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 05:51:00 PST

The 6/24/2007 Revelation to help me do better

Become a SPRITUAL GO GET'ER! God has already supplied it, promised it, and provided it. The world often uses the phrase, "go get er" and now is the time that we don't just recite God's world from our ...
Posted by Thai on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:28:00 PST