About Me
Grand merci à Eric Storm pour toutes les videos du Trabendo :D
Thanks to Cliff who recorded the live songs in Paris, March 22nd
and JK for sending me them in mp3 :)
(( www.myspace.com/chicksandpoulet ))
((www.myspace.com/wwwwhatwaswrong)) (a cover band)
If you want to hear other songs, you can on my website - www.alicehejna.com
Alice took the road at 17 and time is a friend ...
Pour info : Alice compose tout, et son repertoire est moitie français / moitie anglais
A la recherche de la Nouvelle Prod' - C'est pour quand ??
(Si seulement les anciennes pouvaient revenir ...)
Moi je t'aimais
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C'est la meme voix qui donne la tendresse et les coups de poing
Une fille tantot à cueillir, tantot à fuir, Alice Hejna n'est pas la pour macher ses mots -
Sur scene elle plaque ses maux sur une guitare appelee Batysto dont il emane
tant d'apaisement, de legerete que de fougue et de violence
Elle joue la ou ça tonne, elle est toujours prete .. en s'immisçant dans des
studios de radio (NRJ...), dans des salles comme la Java ou dernières
en date le Gambetta, le Trabendo et la Boule Noire, sur des peniches comme la K-Lounge, l'Alternat ..
En somme elle nous balance ses emotions avec une energie a mi chemin
entre le grunge et le rock n roll sur des chansons originales a textes
en français et en anglais, en approchant des styles comme le blues, le rock,
le folk, la country, ainsi que suites espagnoles, jazzies ou funkies -
(Thanks for this description ;)
Many believe that an artist "needs soul", others that it's life experience, besides technique and talent, which affords that full spectrum of emotions, that "something else", which ultimately will fully and inevitably make its way into people's heart.
In her early twenties, Alice Hejna, certainly an "Old Soul", seems to have gathered more than life experience and stretched the limits of time in her short life history, on the "wrong side" of the streets in Paris. Places she can barely recognize as "the same" now.
Reflecting her huge array of influences, certainly inherent to her personality, sometimes “pairing grunge and rock 'n rollâ€, her music hints at blues, folk and rock; sure signs of strong American influences - from Janis Joplin to Ben Harper, the latter whose pictures crowd her walls. But, yet, very well tied to the solid roots of European Traditional Song, and packed in a definitely strong personal character, her style is painfully unique: over her own chords, or those of fellow guitarist Batysto's; whether through her original tunes or covers; in perfect English, or in native French, she will spit out her fierce Polish guts as her voice, in the lower register, will strike like thunder, echoing those of Jacques Brel's and others. Once on the higher notes, she can barely deceive her classy heritage and the elegance of the French "chanson", as she pours her heart out as playfully and melodiously as the singing of birds; almost a showoff of sophisticated musicality and grace; a sudden but sure reminder that, after the storm, she's just a girl.
Alice Hejna is one of those singers that, when on stage, seems to have always been ready for it, capable of putting us in touch with that longed-for vulnerable spot within, where joy and sorrow are one; a bitter-sweet taste, so universal, yet so personal and ready to burst out in each and all of us.
Alice strongly believes that "a singer must sing everyday".
Accordingly, she is highly active and has appeared in most of the important venues of the current Parisian music scene.
In times of so much emotional pasteurization, in a (pop) scene that has so complacently favored the false comfort and predictability of “Bits†over the organic, metrically soothing asymmetry of the “Off-Beatsâ€... please, come out and meet Alice.
And, don't make sense of your senses !