I started writing acoustic songs after moving from Virginia to Colorado five years ago. I had just left my band and had trouble meeting musicians who didn't think Metallica was the only music worth listening to. Naturally, I started doing the singer/songwriter thing. I performed a little in high school, but played my first show with Lucero (now one of my favorite bands) my freshman year of college.
Eventually, people started asking me for a cd, but my dishwashing wages from the campus cafeteria weren't exactly encouraging musical vitality. However, I was able to record a two track demo in the common area of my dorm one wintry midnight, in between the staggerings of drunks returning home from ear-ringing house beats.
I eventually sold every copy in existence, which was about a hundred, before being asked to start a band called Harrison Bergeron with a friend who had seen me play an open-mic night a year prior. So for most of my college years, I played in Harrison Bergeron, occassionally performing behind my acoustic under the alias of Spoken Daggers, adding a violinist and female singer.
Alas, Bergeron is no more and members of Spoken Daggers have moved away. So now that I've graduated college and still work in a restuarant, I've moved to Seattle and made my mellow music monogomous --- alliteration.