Writing. I spend a lot of my hours writing. Writing, talking to my characters, learning who they are, and then there's that whole "backstory thing" going on.
And the whole promotion thing-- No one told me promotion was a 'four-letter word.'
But I'm doing better. I have a whole Google presence... that's pretty cool in and of itself...
Otherwise, I do have a couple of hobbies -- like crafts and cross-stitch, that kind of thing. I read a lot as well.
Who would I like to meet? Well, as you can see from my pictures, I've already met She-Ra... and no one told me her boobs were that big!
But seriously, who would I like to meet?
1. Ed McMan with one of those Publisher's Clearing House checks made out to me.
2. Madonna, though I probably would be reduced to a stuttering idiot.
3. Ewan McGregor, Jude Law, Vin Diesel, Hayden Christensen, James Marsters, and Val Kilmer, but see #2
4. Katie McAlister, because she writes such awesome books, and I aspire to be that darn witty in my own writing.
5. An agent who would want to represent me and my writing.
6. Michael Turner (again, and this time, I don't want to wind up a stuttering idiot...)
7. Savannah Jordan, AE Rought, Rene Lyons, Bianca D'arc, Sabrina Luna, Daisy Dexter Dobbs, Kayleigh Jamison, HS Kinn, Katrina Strauss, Julie Kornhausl, Sry, Gabby, Mooncat, Ginny, Lauren Dane, Jennifer, Kriss, Adana, Skylar Sinclair, Dakota Cassidy, Rebecca, Skyler Gray, CJ England, Aurelia, Stacy Dawn, Jamie Hill, Kate Sterling, Shelli Stevens, and all the other really cool people I've met through the World Wide Web... (this list is so incomplete it's scary, so don't be upset if you're not on it -- I am horrible with names.)
Seriously, though, I really just wanna make friends. I'm newly published, and I'd like to meet other people who write. There's something very special about the creative process that binds people together. I've found some of the best people I've ever known were creative hearts, and I admire all forms of creativity.
So drop by, sit a spell, maybe we'll have some coffee or even brainstorm a bit.
I must say this, though, if you send out a bunch of spammy bulletins or post spammy comments on my space, you will be immediately deleted.
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Um..... I like lots of stuff. Currently, I love that K T Tunstall song "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree." I love to sing it karaoke.
Yes I admit it, I love to sing karaoke. Laugh all you want... Then get up and do it yourself. :)
Movies where girls kick butt. Alien movies, Star Wars, Star Trek, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Legally Blonde, (course that one is a hairdresser thing...), Serenity, um, um.... There's just too many to name... :)
Heroes, House, Deal or No Deal is always fun. Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, (though I seem to be favoring the Angel as of late.)
Too many to name. A fast paced romance, pretty much any genre. The only thing I don't like in any book is the "tea drinking" syndrome, where the hero/heroine spends a few pages "thinking" while drinking tea. Nothing makes my eyes glaze over faster. I just wanna scream "Yeah, he/she's a butthead. Get over it and either tell him/her your issue, or move on!"
Rant over.
Who is my hero? That's a good question. I really think, though that my hero would be my husband Bob. He's overcome a lot in his life, far more than I've ever had to deal with. Not to mention, he's a super brave soul being married to me.
But he changes people's lives, helping them contact those who have passed on. He is a real "Ghost Rider."