Playing Music, Traveling, Philosophy, Public Policy, Sports, Painting, Writing, Reading Historical Biographies, being a good husband and father
Everyone at least once...Disclaimer: I have no control over the content on the pages of people who I allow to link to my site as friends. I'll do my best to police and only add decent requests, but as content changes, please notice their views may not represent mine.
The expression of man's humble impression
I like all types of movies, with the exception of bad ones
Friday Night Lights, Cool Fuel Roadtrips, Boston Legal, FOX Sunday night line-up (Simpsons, Family Guy ect..), History Channel, CSPAN, ESPN, College Football, NFL, Daily Show, Colbert
I like all types of books, with the exception of bad ones
Jesus Christ; Mohatma Gandhi; Martin Luther; Alexander Hamilton; Ayn Rand; Martin Luther King Jr.; Shirley Chisolm; Theodore Roosevelt; Harry Truman; Thomas Jefferson; John Stuart Mill; Mark Twain; Abe Lincoln; Octavian Caesar; Pierre Trudeau; John Lennon; Winston Churchill; Lucius Cincinnatus; George Washington; Roland of Gilead; Stephen King; Bono; Elizabeth I; Benjamin Franklin; Francis Bacon; Jeremy Bentham; Frederick II; Immanuel Kant; Carl Jung; John Locke; J.K. Rowling; Mark Fideritch; Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Rene Descartes; Thomas Paine; Ulysses Grant; Tom Clancy; Aaron Sorkin; Stephen Hawkins; Noam Chompsky; Every mother on the planet & the truly anonymous.