Music, Recording, History, Science, Sports, especially NASCAR
Barry Gordy so I could ask him how he did it!
I love most of the music I have played and recorded including Helicon, The Only, Forbidden Nectar, Honor Among Thieves, Personal Vandalizm, Hot Wicked Sauce, The Crew, Tiffany Lynn, Jill Jill Jillian, One Bullet Left, Concrete Groove, Outer Drive(Decree), Behind Every Smile. I also love local music like Crud, and Zug Izland. The old local bands like Robb Roy, Seduce, Toby Redd, BSA, The Almighty Strut, Scarlet, Halloween, The Act, The Cadillac Kidz, The Romantics, Salem Witchcraft. My influences are Kiss, Nugent, and Zeppelin followed by Queen, Sweet, VanHalen, Ratt, Motley Crue and Dokken. In the 90's I listened to Alice In Chains, STP, Smashing Pumpkins, Candlebox, Soundgarden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Nirvana. Today its things like Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Perfect Circle, Tool, Korn, Limp Bizcut and Manson. I love change and am now listening to a lot of Pop and Country.
Gladiator, Apollo 13, October Sky, Troy, Godzilla, Lord Of The Ring, Star Wars, Star Trek, Sixth Sense, Adam Sandler movies, Jack Black Movies, Johnny Depp movies, and Brad Pitt movies. Of course I love Mel Gibson's Road Warrior movies and of course classics like The Wizard of Oz, Gone With The Wind, They Were Expendable, 2001 & 2010, Giant, Posidon Adventure, and Ben Hur.
Love The History Channel and Discovery Channel, Nancy Grace(What a bitch!), Sports broadcasts, and videos. The wife has me watching American Idol and I love it.
Foundation Trilogy, Carl Sagen books and Steven Ambrose histories(My mother in law got me into him). I also read text books.
My Mom and Dad, my wife Jill, Neil Armstrong, Carl Sagen, Steven Hawkings, Magic Johnson, Bird, Isaih, James Lovell, Richard Leakey, God, Ronald Reagen, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, Robert Oppenheimer, Norman Swartzcof, Robert E. Lee and Grant just to name a few.