Family,My Sons & being a kick ass Mom,My Hubby,My Girls,Ink Ladies,My Sista's,Friends.Sexy Girls,Modeling & Acting.VAMPIRES, Horror Films! Theater,Stuck-up people I can make fun of. Tattoos,Music,Parties,Pink,Black,Red, Glitter,Blingage,Jewlery,Pinups,SexyPinupGirls,Bulldogs,Shop ping,Yardsales,Candyapples,Pictures,Magick,Fantasy,Dragons,F airies,Witches.Disneyworld/land.RollinWithDaHomiez,pimpjuice ,Hoodies,being a Gangasta,shoes:high heels,converse,slippers,fuzzy extra softblankets,Cuddling,Sleeping,Dreaming,Makeup,Hair,Dressup. Antiques.fights,Bum fights,me vida loca, it can go on and on. I just love to Have FUN!!!!
Anyone who Likes to have a Good time and Don't care what others think. Is a True person, True to others and themselves and always smiles at life. Im always intrested in meeting new people and especially hott ladies...
Hip Hop,Rap,80's,Hardcore,Oi,Death Metal,RocknRoll,Jazz,Opera,NewAge,Classical, Oldies,Rockabilly,Psychobilly. I just love music & all kinds.
I have alot... I love movies! especially my fav 80's films that I grew up with. Horror films, Old movies, dirty movies etc. I also am a actress and love to make films.
Magick ones and Fantasy of course & we cant forget Vampires & Ghosts and the Erotic vampire novels...
My Sons, My Husband, Brandi, My family, My friends, and anyone who believe's in magic & listens to their heart. and is always true & believes in making a difference in life.