Alephdesign profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Spiraling into the center
The center of our soul
We are the weavers
We are the woven ones
We are the dreamers
We are the dream. AUM
"A problem can not be solved with
the same consiousness that created it." - Albert Einstein

Art & Creativaty, Graphic Design, Digital Photography, My love for Nature, Plants, Gardening, Philosophise, Listening/Playing Music, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Reading, Surfing the web, Vegaterian cooking, Countercultur cybertribe consciousness and the potential of Psychedelics as a catalysts for the spiritual development and the love for mother earth are an integral part of my life.
Kunst & Kreativität, Graphic Design, Digital Fotografie, Meine Liebe für die Natur, Pflanzen und die Gartenarbeit, Kabbala, Philosophieren, Musik hören/spielen, Mountainbiking, Reisen, Lesen & Surfen, Vegetarisch essen & Kochen, Counterculture Cybertribe Bewußtsein und das potential von Psychadelica als Katalysatoren des Spirituellen Entwicklungsprozesses sind ein wesentlicher bestandteil meines Lebens.
"Wir haben den Kontakt zur Realität verloren......
Keine Angst, die findet uns schon wieder!"
"Realität ist etwas für Leute, die mit Drogen nicht zurecht kommen."

My Interests

Some of my latest Designz:

I'd like to meet:

I seek people and to share my love & spirituality!


DarkPsy, PsyTrance, Fullon, Progressive, Ambient, Dub, World Music/Ethnic, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Folk-Rock (Deadhead;-), Rock, Death Metal, Grindcore, Indistrial and any thing with good instrumentals.

Pure Psychedelic:
Ghreg on Earth, Victor Zolotorenko (aka Terminator, Freaking, Parasense, Fabrique), Kindzadza, Para Halu, Penta, Ocelot, Kemic-Al, The Nommos, Psykovsky, Xenomorph, Encephalopaticys, Electrypnose, Darkpsy, Baphomet Engine, Mubali, Blisargon Demogorgon, CCL, Cosmo, Derango, Double R.E.L, Entropy, Furious, Guinea Pigs, Highcosmos & Highko, Silent Horror, Horror Place, Isentropic, Narcosis, Yab Yum, Kerosene Club, Wizack Twizack, Atriohm, Bodhisattva 1320, Quasar, Alien Mental, Sofia-X from Mental Cruelty and Amanda from M.O.E ;-)

Pete Namlook, Monroe Institute, Lustmord, Aes Dana, Asura, Carbon Based Lifeforms, David Moufang, Gaudi, Tetsu Inoue, Electrypnose, Robert Rich, Sephiroth, Pedra Branca, Jaia, Shulman, Tetrameth, Entheogenic, Capsula, Banco De Gaia, Bluetech, Deep Dive Corporation, Master Margherita, Pitch Black, Saafi Brothers, The Orb, Younger Brother, Amorphous Androgynous, Celtic Cross, Solar Fields, Spyra, Hol Bauman, Chi-A.D., Khetzal, OTT, Metamusic, Doof, Desert Dwellers, Side Liner, D.Batistatos, Puff Dragon, Youth, Steve Roach, Tripswitch

For the best musical Experiance:
(Free Lossless Audio Codec)




Terrance McKenna, Allan Ginsberg, Alex Grey, H.R.Giger, Ed Rosenthal, Mel Frank, Timothy Leary ect.


We are all ONE!

ONE love

Time, Space, You,
Me, Micro, Macro.

We are all ONE.

ONE Love, Love is All, All is ONE.

Every day we Create Life Together, All is One expresses this Creativity, through Music, Visuals, Live Performances, Poetry, Dance, Theatre, Smells, Trance, Art, Connecting, Percussion, Food,

Anything is possible.....
even the impossible....

All is ONE stimulates the consciousness that all is ONE.

Every day we Create Life Together, and since you are part of it, we'd like you to celebrate,



ONE love

We are all ONE!

My Blog

The Psychedelic Experience - «Can you pass the Bardo test?»

In cooperation with Gaia Media FoundationHotzenplotz & Underground Sound Promotions presents:The Psychedelic Experience - «Can you pass the Bardo test?»External Closing Ceremony following the Worl...
Posted by Alephdesign on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 05:25:00 PST

Hotzenplotz präsentiert: Hotzenplotz ir Räuberhöhli more infos @

Hotzenplotz präsentiert: Hotzenplotz ir Räuberhöhli Sa 1.12.07, 20.00 - So 2.12.07, 12.00More Info's: Live: XENOMORPH Gnostic records - Dwww.xeno-morph.netCLA...
Posted by Alephdesign on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 06:15:00 PST