Having a giggle! Musthick! Spowert (sport in a Northern accent)! Being a little bit naughty (michievous beckonings)... dancing!!!! Lying in bed until 2pm on a Saturday! ...pressing the exclamation mark on my computer keyboard!!!
The Queen!!! Fern Britten!! Peter Kay!! Some of the parents of my students (would be interesting)!Some really, really fit guy who happens to fall madly in love with the Bexwa!
anything and everything!
Beautiful, moving cheesy tear-jerking stuff! None of this scary stuff, what's all that about!
Well, we have 5 in our house (probs soon to be six)... the one in my room is small and silver with an inbuilt video ting, but no DVD facilities! I'm just chatting breeze!
loved reading Wicked recently! Anything slightly BOCCish is ever so slightly addictive!
to cheesy to say!