S T O L E N ! ! ! R U B A T O ! ! !S T O L E N ! ! ! R U B A T O ! ! !sunday 15 july 2007 in the backstage of RototomSunSplash in Osoppo (Ud) Italy has been STOLEN is formed of three pieces quadrangolar 30X30 cm putted in orizontal they forme one imagePLEASE, IF YOU CAN, HELP ME!mine is not the only one...domenica 15 luglio 2007nel backstage del RototomSunSplash parco del rivellino Osoppo (Ud) e stato RUBATO un mio quadro grazie infiniteil mio quadro non e l unico stato rubato
visit: http://www.myspace.com/2beat
LUBASI HOME'S GATE Livingstone, Zambia 2002