KATÉTER profile picture


KATÉTER miner-punk band from Hungary

About Me

OFFICAL WEB PAGE: www.kateter.hu


We began our musical carrier in 1995, when we founded the Toluol punk band in Tatabánya. The members were
    Hrivo Ferenc (Teke): vocal,
    Darabos Tamas (Bogyo): guitar,
    Mosolygo Zsolt (Mosi): basszus,
    Vecsei Zsolt (Fecsu): drums.
That year we had our first appearance in "Defeat Rockclub" in Solymar city.
After that we had a lots of concerts in: Tata, Visegrad, Esztergom, Komarom, Mosonmagyarovar. The Toluol band broke up because of inner reasons in 1998.
Although the Toluol broke up, we didn't give up. In 1999, as the old band's continuation, we formed Kateter, with the following members:
    Bogyo: guitar, vocal,
    Delbo Istvan: bass, vocal,
    Pinter Tamas (Pimpi): drums.
At the beginning Bogyo played the guitar only, but because of the fact that we didn't have a suitable singer, Bogyo began to sing too. At the end of 2001 Pimpi left the band. Then Ekk Lajos entered the band.
At the end of 2001 Pap Albert (guitar) entered the band.
At the end of 2006 Albert left the band.


We had our first concert in Tatabanya in the "Puskin Civilization House". Then it followed a lot more concerts. We went to: Ajka, Csolnok, Csongrád, Dorog, Dunakeszi, Dunaujváros, Eger, Esztergom, Fehérto, Godolo, Gyor, Gyorszentivan, Hatvan, Janossomorja, Kal, Kaposvar, Komarom, Komlo, Lengyel, Mosonmagyarovar, Nagyvazsony, Oroszlany, Osku, Paks, Pecs, Salgotarjan, Szakszend, Szeged, Szegvar, Szekesfehervar, Szombathely, Szony, Tapolca, Tatabanya, Tata, Tiszafured and Budapest. Till now we had around 120 concerts in Hungary.
In the summer of 2004 we were invited by the Albert Fish band in Portugal. The Iszonyat band from Tapolca came with us. In Portugal we had 2 concerts, one in Cascai (Lisabon's suburbia) and the other one in Ferreira do Alentejo. Here you can read the rewiew about the Portugal trip.
In September, 2005 the german Pogoradio and Punkrock Guide Fanzine invited us to Mannheim, where we had a great concert with the Belfegoi band in an underground club, named Juz. Here you can read the rewiew about the German trip.


In the summer of 2000 we went in studio and we recorded 16 songs. As a result, we released our first album, named "Justly Furious". The album was welcomed. You can get it especially at our concerts, but you can order it through our webpage, too.
In the summer of 2004 we went in the studio again, and recorded 14 songs. Our second album, "Good luck" was released in November 2002. The album was welcomed. You can order it, too via internet.
In 2005 we released an album called "What's up?" witch was recorded in 2002 in Kál during a concert. The album contains 20+1 songs from our earlier albums. "What's up?" can be ordered, too via our webpage.


Foreign and Hungarian underground critics wrote about us and made interviews with us. They appeared in many Hungarian newspapers, such as: Pokhalo, Napocska, Magyar Taraj, Radical Roots, Punkland, Skinbomb, Torz kitorés, Knucleduster, MyChaos and Punk & Skins zine. The German Punkrock Guide, the Slovak Warrior fanzine and Free Will published writings about us. We were asked questions by the PunkForum, Elvis Punk Site and Music magazine, witch are internet shop-fronts.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/15/2006
Band Website: kateter.hu
Band Members:

Darabos Tamas Zoltan - Bogyo
singing, guitar
Computer scientist
In 1995 he was the guitar player of the Toluol punk band from Tatabánya. In the summer of 1999 he was the foundation member and guitar player of the Katéter band. In autumn he became the singer of the band. He writes the music and the lyrics and organises the koncerts.

Delbo Istvan
bass, vocal
He's the eldest but the most youthful member of the band. He became the member of the band in 1999. He played the bass at the Betyárkörte band and he had a private project with some of the members from the csizmáSKAndúr band.

Ekk Lajos - Lajbi
He began his musical career in The Rich and Beautiful punk band. He has been the drummer of the Invasion band from Komárom since 2000. He has been playing in the Katéter band since the December of 2001.
Record Label: No Label
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Portugál Tour 2004

Last year, when the Albert Fish band was on tour across Europe, they had passed through Hungary too. We joined them on their concert here, and played together. With this occasion the...
Posted by KATÉTER on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 07:38:00 PST

Germany - Mannheim 2005

We had met the German Pogo radio and the Guide fanzin three years ago, thanks to Kova. The radio from Mannheim plays our first two albums frequently and the Punkrock Guide fanzine made an interview wi...
Posted by KATÉTER on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:02:00 PST