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i think i belonged to this religion for a significant amount of years! the difference of course was that i would do things truthfully and because people from this religion wouldn't accept the truth of what i was doing, they'd tell others what i was doing was lying to myself that i was doing what i was REALLY doing! WOW!

wisdom personified as a woman
so i put only those parts together and got...!

starting at proverbs chapter 1 verse 20 in the bible!
wisdom calls aloud outside
she raises her voice in open squares
she cries out in chief concourses
"how long you simple ones, will you love simplicity?"

if you seek her as silver
and search for her as for hidden treasures
then you will understand the fear of the lord

and find knowledge of god
when wisdom enters your heart
and knowledge is pleasent to the soul
discretion will preserve you
understanding will keep you

for her proceeds are better
than the profits of silver
and her gain more than fine gold

she is more precious than rubies
and all the things you desire
cannot compare with her

her ways are ways of pleasentness
and all her paths are peace
she is a tree of life to those
who take hold of her
and happy are all who retain her

do not forsake her
she will preserve you
love her and she will keep you

wisdom is the principle thing
therefore get wisdom
and in all your getting
get understanding

exhalt her
and she will promote you
she will bring you honor
when you embrace her
she will place on your head
a crown of glory
she will deliver to you

when you walk
your steps will not be hindered
and when you run
you will not stumble

let your eyes look straight ahead
and your eyelids look right before you
ponder the pathof your feet
and let all your ways be established

let your fountain be blessed
and rejoice with the wife of your youth
as a loving deer and graceful doe
let her breasts satisfy you at all times
and always be enraptured with her love

say to wisdom...
and call understanding
your nearest kin

does not wisdom cry out
and understanding lift up her voice?
she takes her stand on a high hill
beside the way
where the paths meet
she cries out at the gates
at the entry of the city
at the entrance of the doors

"O you simple ones
understand prudence
and you fools
be of an understanding heart

listen, for i will speak of excellent things
and from the openings of my lips
will come right things

for my mouth will speak truth
wickedness is an abomination to my lips
all the words of my mouth are righteousness
nothing crooked or perverse in them

for wisdom is better than rubies
and all the things one may desire
cannot be compared with her

"I wisdom, dwell in prudence
and find out knowledge and descretion

council is mine
and sound wisdom
i am understanding
i have strength

i love those who love me
and those who seek me diligently
will find me

riches and honor are with me
enduring riches and righteousness

my fruit is better than gold
yes, better than fine gold
and my revenue choice silver

i traverse the way of righteousness
in the midst of the paths of justice
that i may cause those who love me
to inherit wealth
that i may fill their treasuries

"the lord possessed me
at the beginning of his way
BEFORE his works of old

THEN i was beside him
as a master craftsman
and i was daily his delight
rejoicing before him

"now therefore
listen to me
my children
for blessed are those
who keep my ways

blessed is the man
who listens to me
watching daily at my gates
waiting at the posts of my doors
for whoever finds me
finds life
and finds favor with the lord

forsake foolishness
and go in the way of understanding
give instruction to a wise man
and he will be still wiser

teach a just man
and he will increase in learning
for by me your days will be multiplied
and years of life will be added to you


strange huh?
have a wonderful night!
s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7.

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i have to warn people about the listed websites: they require reading and comprehension... also needed is the ability to think... good luck! 7's websites:http://www.myspace.com/7e7e7http://www.myspace...
Posted by 7777777 on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:00:00 PST


"Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like a mother bringing a newborn into the world. If you want to study love, study those who s...
Posted by 7777777 on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 04:25:00 PST


once there was a woman who could see things all right... wrong enough was what others said but right was reality and it was fine. one day she saw an apple roll across the road the apple came to rest ...
Posted by 7777777 on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:08:00 PST


all the love that you can handle is yours... just hold out your hands, breathe in and hug yourself... breathe out and love is everywhere your breath may travel... s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7.
Posted by 7777777 on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST