I'm from Porto and im stupied so please don't write big words when youre messaging me.
Your name Ema
Your fave movie ever Death Note, Advent children
Which movie makes you cry I.A.
Can?t stop eating Cookies
Your fave country PORTUGAL
Which country?s guys are the hottest Every country has hot guys
Which country?s language is the hottest Portugal
Where do you want to live Japan
Your perfume Amor Amor
Let?s get deeper
Have you ever fallen in love Yep, for a celebrity
Do you say fibs what's that?
You liar,how often I really meant it!!!!!
What do you think about guys Versões muito rascas das mulheres
Talking about music
Your all time fave band TR!!!!
Your all time fave song Ghost love score
Your fave video Kosaka Riyu, Danzai no hana
Favourite lyrics Time to burn, Bless the child
Your current fave band Epica
Your current fave song Danzai no hana
Favourite singers Kosaka Riyu, Simone Simons, Hikaru Utada, eu, Tarja turuen.
Which band members do you want to meet,personally Simone simons, Joahnna Wessels, kenichi Matsuyama.
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