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If your Home was built by Knight Properties in Kentucky; We need to talk!!!!!

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Hello I am a proud parent of a 4 1/2 year old little girl, and I lost my son Jayden who died because of the toxic home we lived in. I was 13 1/2 weeks along with him, when I miscarried. The home my little family lived in was toxic with deadly chemicals, and metals, and toxic deadly mold in it. The home it self has been deemed unsuitable for human and animal like, to live or reside in the home by more than one Toxicologist. My family is currently pursuing justice for the death of our son, and for the damages that have been brought on us. We are all very ill, I am now disabled from brain injuries caused by the toxic home. I can not drive nor can I work, I have severe health issues too many to name. My husband has heart, and hearing injuries from the home. Our 4 year old daughter has some learning issues now, and we are still testing her to see what other health issues she may have received from being in such a deadly home. All our experts have told us that the home was not even safe to breath the air in it, and that it is a toxic dump. I can not share all my info, because I am suing some of the guilty parties. However I will be willing to answer most of your questions. And I will try to give you support in case you need some help. We are in a Huge Toxic Tort case, and also are still fighting the Mortgage Company who wants to sell our deadly home to another family with out disclosure. That means they will harm, maybe even kill another family. Please don't allow my baby boy Jayden's death to be in vain...and don't allow my family to be destroyed more than we already have, Just so the guilty can get by with it...and make a quick buck. We must make sure that at all costs, the Mortgage Company Wells Fargo, does not get to sell that toxic home to another family. IT WILL KILL THEM! The home was built by William "Billy" Knight, from Knight Properties. If you have a home built by Knight Properties, please contact me...My attornies need to speak with YOU!!!We all need to stand behind each other in our time of need, to get the ones in power to listen to the Citizens. One family, or Group can't do the trick, but Hundreds, and Millions can...My point is have you ever heard the phrase the squiky wheel, or door gets the oil? Well I am the squeeky wheel, or door...and I am working with Federal Congressmen, and Senators to make changes, but I need more squeeking going on from more than me and my little family. I need you to SQUEEK LOUDLY! I need you to say HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS FAMILY IS BULLSHIT!!! My family should not have to die, to get a law passed, to insure that this never happens again...and to get the medical, financial, and other recourse that we need.Think of it this way...Your home is suppose to be your safe haven, your place of refuge, when you come home from a long hard days work, you take off your shoes, and set down and eat with your family, and try to enjoy life. It is the one place you truly feel safe, and the one place you can be yourself, and not put up any fronts. We all dream of a beautiful home, that is safe, and nice to live in...and we never think about that the home we live in could cause severe, even deadly health issues in us, our families, and our pets. Even at times killing those we love and hold very dear. The items in your home, could be laced with deadly TOXIC CHEMICALS, AND METALS THAT WILL KILL YOU, AND THOSE YOU LOVE.We want to some how get Wells Fargo to give us the home! We do not have the funds to pay them what they are requesting, and we also need help with our Medical. Our Medical Costs are Huge, and we are having a tough time finding enough money to pay for our many treatments that our Doctors say we have to have. So if you are a friend or family member and would like to donate to our Home Fund, or Medical Fund, you can push the paypal donation button, and follow the instructions. Please write us a note, stating how you want your donation to be used. If you want it to go to our home fund, or if you want it to be used for our Medical. We want Wells Fargo to just Give us the Toxic Home, we are trying to get it knocked down, and just safely removed, and then REBUILT then we can sell it.

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This is just one of almost 4,000 documents on the toxic home! Some of the Deadly Chemicals found in the air and wood of the home: ie toluene, tetradecanoic acid, pyrene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, pentachlorophenol, chloroethane, diethyl phthalate, di-n-octyl phthalate, and the insulation contained pyrene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, diethyl phthalate, n-propyl acetate, octanoic acied, nonanoic acid and 1.4-dichlorobenzene. All the Chemicals I listed above should never be found in a Home, and especially not in the air of a home! EPA has stated that fact! The home was poorly built, and the materials used to build the home were laced with deadly chemicals. The entire home on both floors, and basement have mold, and sever water damage! Just a Few of the Deadly Black Mold found in the home are Stachybotrys, Aspergillus Niger, and many others. The metals found in the home dust, and in the wood the home was bult with were Aresnic, Lead, Cadium, and Chromium. There is also Ecoli, and everything nasty you can think of all through out the home! DEADLY is how our experts explain the home! Please help us stop this home from being sold to another family. We want to get the home from Wells Fargo, and we want to continue our testing, tare it down, safely remove the materials, and then rebuild from the foundation up. That way we can sell it, and know that it is 100% safe for another family! Please help us out!

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God, Jesus, and all who help the innecent, or the all who take up a good cause, and help make a tragic experience become a blessing for others.

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If you bought a Home in Firebrooke, Lexington Kentucky please read ;0)

Hello, My attornies are looking for any one who has bought a Home Built by Knight Properties, in Firebrooke, as well as any other homes in the Lexington, Nicholasville, or surronding areas.  The ...
Posted by Angel on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:16:00 PST