Hurricane Bubba (regulators) profile picture

Hurricane Bubba (regulators)


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 90% Superman 70% Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 70% Batman 55% Hulk 55% The Flash 55% Catwoman 55% Wonder Woman 43% Robin 33% Supergirl 28% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Interests

INTERESTS..........People, I like to hop the train go downtown Chicago and just walk around.
I like to get a cigar and or a coffee and just look and observe as people go about their days.
Music, I love going to shows and just listening, and or watching my friends perform.


The Smuggler
People Iced: Fifty
Car Bombs Planted: Eight
Favorite Weapon Shilaylee
Arms Broken: Lost count
Eyes Gouged: None
Tongues Cut Off: None Didn't want to get blood on my suit.
Biggest Enemy: Mickey Z
Get Your HITMAN Name


I'd like to meet:


"Let us overcome them by gentleness,
and win them by piety;
let their punishment be found in their own consciences,
not in our resentment."

St. Gregory Nazianzen




You Are Samuel Adams
You're fairly easy to please when it comes to beer - as long as it's not too cheap.
You tend to change favorite beers frequently, and you're the type most likely to take a "beers of the world" tour.
When you get drunk, you're fearless. You lose all your inhibitions.
You're just as likely to party with a group of strangers as you are to wake up in a very foreign place. What's Your Beer Personality?MOVIES..............I DECIDED LAST NIGHT THAT MY FAVE MOVIE IS ...ARMY OF DARKNESS...

adopt your own virtual pet!


T.V. .......nope rots the brain, it's a SOCIAL VAMPIRE!!


BOOKS.........I wish I read more, if I did I would probably read Jean Vanier, Walter Brueggeman, N.T. Wright, and maybe a bit of Piers Anthony to mix it up.


HERO.........The person who invented the SPATULA where would my pankakes be without you.

My Blog


Corduroys and a turtle neck sweater, that's what he was wearing when he walked into Cash Converters.  Approaching the counter he said with a smile, "Hello and how are you?"  The receptionist...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 10:15:00 PST

Zeal and Black Sunshine

In the land of black sunshineExsists a man of no refrainHe has used up all, and consumed life itselfNow that it's all said and doneHe has become sad and dawned a new exsistanceSculling about head hung...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:14:00 PST

Jones Soda Label

Ok so I sent Jones soda a picture to put on a label and then all of a sudden I went crazy and sent a bunch of them now I have like 5.   You all should go and vote on them you just have to go ther...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:28:00 PST

Poem .2

Well we're moving kinda slowAnd I don't know whyIt's not like we met yesterdayI want to hold you closeBrush the hair from your faceJust love all your worries awayTo see the sparkle in your eyesA smile...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 09:49:00 PST


 Resurfacing feelings of hurt and loss have been haunting meGhosts long gone returning and prodding at my soulA free spirit inside that no one understandsThe American dream is my downfallI had it...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:32:00 PST

I've been having these dreams!!!

So I've been having these crazy dreams where I kill or really brutify people.  In the last one this guy rammed my parents car and I was like man that was the nicest thing my family owned.  H...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:52:00 PST

My Favorite Bulletin ever!!!

Date: Apr 15, 2006 7:25 PM Subject: PASTOR BUBBA! Body: Dear Pastor Bubba, Thank you for everything. You are the single...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:41:00 PST

Some things I posted on an old Blog I never use anymore

Taken too lightly In my experience most of the churches I have been to lately have been too focused on being a production. It's something that I have trouble with. I ...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 06:13:00 PST

I Just needed to write this

I have touched my own mediocrity I have felt apathys embrace I know how it is to be in one place forever looking No progress no falling back (to be truthfull even falling back is something) ...
Posted by THEE BUBBA on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST