katrina profile picture


.Master Of Freedom.

About Me

Life moves quickly, i have a serious complex about getting old. i like most people.i am a senior in college and get to talk about sexual health with the inmates.i am in love and getting married, learning to cook, doing the laundry and occasionally making the bed, i have reached the apex of adulthood.if i wasn't so afraid of ghosts, global warming, and cannibals i would probably unlock all of life's mysteries.

My Interests

i like wine, therefore i am classy. mike makes me brave.

I'd like to meet:

organisms of the human persuasion


is good


i like tim burton movies in 3D, or not in 3D


by christopher moore,kim harrison, LA banks, charlaine harris, laurell K. hamilton ( anita blake series only!)....


Paul Newman. A brillant actor who has also provided the masses with some mean peach salsa.I also admire Flava Flav for coming up with words like "romantical".

My Blog

C.D. A.D.D.

I have developed this issue where I can't listen to a whole cd in its entirety.  By song number four I'm ready to break the CD in half. I used to be able to have one CD in my player for week...
Posted by katrina on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:09:00 PST