Hi guys, My name is Carmen and I am an aspiring R&B artist living in NYC. I have been singing since the age of 5 and will sing to just about anyone who listens!! I grew up around a very musical family and music has been a huge part of my life since the beginning. I have sang in musicals and coffee shops and everything in between. I prefer to sing hip hop and R&B but I love to sing rock and pop music too.
I'm pretty big into meeting new people, establishing new relationships and just hanging out with friends. Some things that I am into are music and art. Or just plain art, but listening to music while I'm doing it. I'm not really much of a writer, so if there's anything else you would like to know, don't hesitate to ask.
I am also involved with an organization that helps homeless children. It is called Stand Up For Kids. I am really proud to be involved with them.Create Free Mini Albums at KidsAtStake.org !
Creating free albums helps save homeless children and you can also make some money. Join the movement, FREE to join.
Myspace Addict
When was the last time you were on myspace? About every 5 minutes
Can you go a week without myspace? NEVER
How about a day? No
Do you go on your computer just for myspace? Yes
Did you buy your computer because of myspace? No, but I would...
Do you know what a myspace whore is? Yes, me.
If so, are you one? who me?
How often do you change your default pic? maybe once every 6 months
How often do you comment your friends? daily
Do you have a custom contact table? no
If so, of what?
Is myspace your homepage? Definitely
How many friends do you have? 133,456,325,542 and counting
Do you actually know half of them? all of them
Do you have a profile song? Of course
If so do you change it with your moods? sometimes
How many people have joined myspace because of you? a few
Who? my brother and his friends
Have you ever met a new person and exchanged myspace links? yes
Do you go nuts when myspace is down? uggh! YES
How many times a day do you talk about it? 999
Do you take pics just for myspace? No
How many times a week do you change your profile? 1
Do you have a myspace tattoo? Not yet! LOL
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